Search Results for author: Shaoguo Wen

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

A strong baseline for image and video quality assessment

1 code implementation13 Nov 2021 Shaoguo Wen, Junle Wang

In this work, we present a simple yet effective unified model for perceptual quality assessment of image and video.

Video Quality Assessment

Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Mobile Gaming Video

1 code implementation27 Jan 2021 Shaoguo Wen, Suiyi Ling, Junle Wang, Ximing Chen, Lizhi Fang, Yanqing Jing, Patrick Le Callet

Nowadays, with the vigorous expansion and development of gaming video streaming techniques and services, the expectation of users, especially the mobile phone users, for higher quality of experience is also growing swiftly.

Semi-supervised Active Learning for Instance Segmentation via Scoring Predictions

no code implementations9 Dec 2020 Jun Wang, Shaoguo Wen, Kaixing Chen, Jianghua Yu, Xin Zhou, Peng Gao, Changsheng Li, Guotong Xie

Active learning generally involves querying the most representative samples for human labeling, which has been widely studied in many fields such as image classification and object detection.

Active Learning Image Classification +6

Weakly Supervised Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification

no code implementations9 Feb 2020 Yifeng Ding, Shaoguo Wen, Jiyang Xie, Dongliang Chang, Zhanyu Ma, Zhongwei Si, Haibin Ling

Classifying the sub-categories of an object from the same super-category (e. g. bird species, car and aircraft models) in fine-grained visual classification (FGVC) highly relies on discriminative feature representation and accurate region localization.

Fine-Grained Image Classification General Classification

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