no code implementations • 28 May 2024 • Anthony Sarah, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Maciej Szankin, Sairam Sundaresan
In addition to finding smaller, higher-performing network architectures, our method does so more effectively and efficiently than certain pruning or sparsification techniques.
no code implementations • 19 Dec 2023 • Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Maciej Szankin, Fang Chen, Sairam Sundaresan, Anthony Sarah
In this paper, we demonstrate that by using multi-objective search algorithms paired with lightly trained predictors, we can efficiently search for both the sub-network architecture and the corresponding quantization policy and outperform their respective baselines across different performance objectives such as accuracy, model size, and latency.
no code implementations • 29 Aug 2023 • Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Souvik Kundu, Sairam Sundaresan, Maciej Szankin, Anthony Sarah
However, training super-networks from scratch can be extremely time consuming and compute intensive especially for large models that rely on a two-stage training process of pre-training and fine-tuning.
no code implementations • 14 Jul 2023 • Souvik Kundu, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Maciej Szankin, Sairam Sundaresan
In this paper, we present Sensi-BERT, a sensitivity driven efficient fine-tuning of BERT models that can take an off-the-shelf pre-trained BERT model and yield highly parameter-efficient models for downstream tasks.
no code implementations • 27 Dec 2022 • Souvik Kundu, Sairam Sundaresan, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Shunlin Lu, Han Tang, Peter A. Beerel
Existing deep neural networks (DNNs) that achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on both clean and adversarially-perturbed images rely on either activation or weight conditioned convolution operations.
no code implementations • 19 May 2022 • Daniel Cummings, Anthony Sarah, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Maciej Szankin, Juan Pablo Munoz, Sairam Sundaresan
Recent advances in Neural Architecture Search (NAS) such as one-shot NAS offer the ability to extract specialized hardware-aware sub-network configurations from a task-specific super-network.
no code implementations • 25 Feb 2022 • Daniel Cummings, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Anthony Sarah, Maciej Szankin
Neural architecture search (NAS), the study of automating the discovery of optimal deep neural network architectures for tasks in domains such as computer vision and natural language processing, has seen rapid growth in the machine learning research community.
no code implementations • 25 Feb 2022 • Anthony Sarah, Daniel Cummings, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Sairam Sundaresan, Maciej Szankin, Tristan Webb, J. Pablo Munoz
These methods decouple the super-network training from the sub-network search and thus decrease the computational burden of specializing to different hardware platforms.
no code implementations • 24 Feb 2022 • Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Anthony Sarah, Sairam Sundaresan
Models based on BERT have been extremely successful in solving a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks.
no code implementations • 22 Dec 2020 • Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Anthony Sarah
In recent times, BERT-based models have been extremely successful in solving a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as reading comprehension, natural language inference, sentiment analysis, etc.
no code implementations • 17 Dec 2020 • Souvik Kundu, Hesham Mostafa, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Sairam Sundaresan
Convolutional layers are an integral part of many deep neural network solutions in computer vision.
no code implementations • 19 Apr 2019 • Subarna Tripathi, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Sairam Sundaresan, Hanlin Tang
Structured representations such as scene graphs serve as an efficient and compact representation that can be used for downstream rendering or retrieval tasks.
no code implementations • 18 Apr 2018 • T. Anderson Keller, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Xin Wang
Associative memory using fast weights is a short-term memory mechanism that substantially improves the memory capacity and time scale of recurrent neural networks (RNNs).
2 code implementations • 6 Oct 2016 • Matthew Johnson-Roberson, Charles Barto, Rounak Mehta, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Karl Rosaen, Ram Vasudevan
Deep learning has rapidly transformed the state of the art algorithms used to address a variety of problems in computer vision and robotics.