Search Results for author: Sharmila Majumdar

Found 13 papers, 2 papers with code

Foundations of a Knee Joint Digital Twin from qMRI Biomarkers for Osteoarthritis and Knee Replacement

no code implementations26 Jan 2025 Gabrielle Hoyer, Kenneth T Gao, Felix G Gassert, Johanna Luitjens, Fei Jiang, Sharmila Majumdar, Valentina Pedoia

This study forms the basis of a digital twin system of the knee joint, using advanced quantitative MRI (qMRI) and machine learning to advance precision health in osteoarthritis (OA) management and knee replacement (KR) prediction.

Decision Making Dimensionality Reduction +1

Scalable Evaluation Framework for Foundation Models in Musculoskeletal MRI Bridging Computational Innovation with Clinical Utility

no code implementations23 Jan 2025 Gabrielle Hoyer, Michelle W Tong, Rupsa Bhattacharjee, Valentina Pedoia, Sharmila Majumdar

Foundation models hold transformative potential for medical imaging, but their clinical utility requires rigorous evaluation to address their strengths and limitations.

The object detection method aids in image reconstruction evaluation and clinical interpretation of meniscal abnormalities

no code implementations16 Jul 2024 Natalia Konovalova, Aniket Tolpadi, Felix Liu, Zehra Akkaya, Felix Gassert, Paula Giesler, Johanna Luitjens, Misung Han, Emma Bahroos, Sharmila Majumdar, Valentina Pedoia

This study investigates the relationship between deep learning (DL) image reconstruction quality and anomaly detection performance, and evaluates the efficacy of an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant in enhancing radiologists' interpretation of meniscal anomalies on reconstructed images.

Anomaly Detection Image Reconstruction +3

Technical Note: Feasibility of translating 3.0T-trained Deep-Learning Segmentation Models Out-of-the-Box on Low-Field MRI 0.55T Knee-MRI of Healthy Controls

no code implementations26 Oct 2023 Rupsa Bhattacharjee, Zehra Akkaya, Johanna Luitjens, Pan Su, Yang Yang, Valentina Pedoia, Sharmila Majumdar

The current study assesses the performance of standard in-practice bone, and cartilage segmentation algorithms at 0. 55T, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in terms of comparing segmentation performance, areas of improvement, and compartment-wise cartilage thickness values between 0. 55T vs. 3. 0T.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +1

Hierarchical Severity Staging of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries using Deep Learning with MRI Images

no code implementations20 Mar 2020 Nikan K. Namiri, Io Flament, Bruno Astuto, Rutwik Shah, Radhika Tibrewala, Francesco Caliva, Thomas M. Link, Valentina Pedoia, Sharmila Majumdar

Results: The overall accuracy and weighted Cohen's kappa reported for ACL injury classification were higher using the 2D CNN (accuracy: 92% (233/254) and kappa: 0. 83) than the 3D CNN (accuracy: 89% (225/254) and kappa: 0. 83) (P = . 27).

General Classification Lesion Classification +1

Breaking Speed Limits with Simultaneous Ultra-Fast MRI Reconstruction and Tissue Segmentation

no code implementations MIDL 2019 Francesco Caliva', Rutwik Shah, Upasana Upadhyay Bharadwaj, Sharmila Majumdar, Peder Larson, Valentina Pedoia

An experimental study was conducted showing the superior performance of the proposed method over a combination of a standard MRI reconstruction and segmentation method, as well as alternative deep learning based solutions.

MRI Reconstruction Segmentation

Automatic Hip Fracture Identification and Functional Subclassification with Deep Learning

no code implementations10 Sep 2019 Justin D Krogue, Kaiyang V Cheng, Kevin M Hwang, Paul Toogood, Eric G Meinberg, Erik J Geiger, Musa Zaid, Kevin C McGill, Rina Patel, Jae Ho Sohn, Alexandra Wright, Bryan F Darger, Kevin A Padrez, Eugene Ozhinsky, Sharmila Majumdar, Valentina Pedoia

Conclusions: Our deep learning model identified and classified hip fractures with at least expert-level accuracy, and when used as an aid improved human performance, with aided resident performance approximating that of unaided fellowship-trained attendings.

Deep Learning General Classification +3

Adversarial Policy Gradient for Deep Learning Image Augmentation

1 code implementation9 Sep 2019 Kaiyang Cheng, Claudia Iriondo, Francesco Calivá, Justin Krogue, Sharmila Majumdar, Valentina Pedoia

The use of semantic segmentation for masking and cropping input images has proven to be a significant aid in medical imaging classification tasks by decreasing the noise and variance of the training dataset.

Classification Deep Learning +5

Distance Map Loss Penalty Term for Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations10 Aug 2019 Francesco Caliva, Claudia Iriondo, Alejandro Morales Martinez, Sharmila Majumdar, Valentina Pedoia

We propose to use distance maps, derived from ground truth masks, to create a penalty term, guiding the network's focus towards hard-to-segment boundary regions.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

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