Search Results for author: Shengchao Liu

Found 32 papers, 23 papers with code

Learning to Navigate in Synthetically Accessible Chemical Space Using Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation ICML 2020 Sai Krishna Gottipati, Boris Sattarov, Sufeng. Niu, Hao-Ran Wei, Yashaswi Pathak, Shengchao Liu, Simon Blackburn, Karam Thomas, Connor Coley, Jian Tang, Sarath Chandar, Yoshua Bengio

In this work, we propose a novel reinforcement learning (RL) setup for drug discovery that addresses this challenge by embedding the concept of synthetic accessibility directly into the de novo compound design system.

Drug Discovery Navigate +3

Manifold-Constrained Nucleus-Level Denoising Diffusion Model for Structure-Based Drug Design

no code implementations16 Sep 2024 Shengchao Liu, Divin Yan, Weitao Du, Weiyang Liu, Zhuoxinran Li, Hongyu Guo, Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Anima Anandkumar

Artificial intelligence models have shown great potential in structure-based drug design, generating ligands with high binding affinities.


A quatum inspired neural network for geometric modeling

no code implementations3 Jan 2024 Weitao Du, Shengchao Liu, Xuecang Zhang

By conceiving physical systems as 3D many-body point clouds, geometric graph neural networks (GNNs), such as SE(3)/E(3) equivalent GNNs, have showcased promising performance.

Tensor Networks

Molecule Joint Auto-Encoding: Trajectory Pretraining with 2D and 3D Diffusion

no code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Weitao Du, Jiujiu Chen, Xuecang Zhang, ZhiMing Ma, Shengchao Liu

The fundamental building block for drug discovery is molecule geometry and thus, the molecule's geometrical representation is the main bottleneck to better utilize machine learning techniques for drug discovery.

Drug Discovery

Symmetry-Informed Geometric Representation for Molecules, Proteins, and Crystalline Materials

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Shengchao Liu, Weitao Du, Yanjing Li, Zhuoxinran Li, Zhiling Zheng, Chenru Duan, ZhiMing Ma, Omar Yaghi, Anima Anandkumar, Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Hongyu Guo, Jian Tang

Artificial intelligence for scientific discovery has recently generated significant interest within the machine learning and scientific communities, particularly in the domains of chemistry, biology, and material discovery.

Benchmarking Computational chemistry +1

A Group Symmetric Stochastic Differential Equation Model for Molecule Multi-modal Pretraining

1 code implementation28 May 2023 Shengchao Liu, Weitao Du, ZhiMing Ma, Hongyu Guo, Jian Tang

Meanwhile, existing molecule multi-modal pretraining approaches approximate MI based on the representation space encoded from the topology and geometry, thus resulting in the loss of critical structural information of molecules.

Drug Discovery

Improving Domain Generalization with Domain Relations

no code implementations6 Feb 2023 Huaxiu Yao, Xinyu Yang, Xinyi Pan, Shengchao Liu, Pang Wei Koh, Chelsea Finn

Distribution shift presents a significant challenge in machine learning, where models often underperform during the test stage when faced with a different distribution than the one they were trained on.

Domain Generalization

Multi-modal Molecule Structure-text Model for Text-based Retrieval and Editing

1 code implementation21 Dec 2022 Shengchao Liu, Weili Nie, Chengpeng Wang, Jiarui Lu, Zhuoran Qiao, Ling Liu, Jian Tang, Chaowei Xiao, Anima Anandkumar

Here we present a multi-modal molecule structure-text model, MoleculeSTM, by jointly learning molecules' chemical structures and textual descriptions via a contrastive learning strategy.

Contrastive Learning Drug Discovery +1

Flaky Performances when Pretraining on Relational Databases

no code implementations9 Nov 2022 Shengchao Liu, David Vazquez, Jian Tang, Pierre-André Noël

We explore the downstream task performances for graph neural network (GNN) self-supervised learning (SSL) methods trained on subgraphs extracted from relational databases (RDBs).

Graph Neural Network Linear evaluation +1

Molecular Geometry Pretraining with SE(3)-Invariant Denoising Distance Matching

2 code implementations27 Jun 2022 Shengchao Liu, Hongyu Guo, Jian Tang

Further by leveraging an SE(3)-invariant score matching method, we propose GeoSSL-DDM in which the coordinate denoising proxy task is effectively boiled down to denoising the pairwise atomic distances in a molecule.

Denoising molecular representation

Evaluating Self-Supervised Learning for Molecular Graph Embeddings

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Hanchen Wang, Jean Kaddour, Shengchao Liu, Jian Tang, Joan Lasenby, Qi Liu

Graph Self-Supervised Learning (GSSL) provides a robust pathway for acquiring embeddings without expert labelling, a capability that carries profound implications for molecular graphs due to the staggering number of potential molecules and the high cost of obtaining labels.

Self-Supervised Learning

MolGenSurvey: A Systematic Survey in Machine Learning Models for Molecule Design

no code implementations28 Mar 2022 Yuanqi Du, Tianfan Fu, Jimeng Sun, Shengchao Liu

Recently, with the rapid development of machine learning methods, especially generative methods, molecule design has achieved great progress by leveraging machine learning models to generate candidate molecules.

3D geometry BIG-bench Machine Learning +2

Structured Multi-task Learning for Molecular Property Prediction

1 code implementation22 Feb 2022 Shengchao Liu, Meng Qu, Zuobai Zhang, Huiyu Cai, Jian Tang

However, in contrast to other domains, the performance of multi-task learning in drug discovery is still not satisfying as the number of labeled data for each task is too limited, which calls for additional data to complement the data scarcity.

Drug Discovery Graph Neural Network +5

TorchDrug: A Powerful and Flexible Machine Learning Platform for Drug Discovery

1 code implementation16 Feb 2022 Zhaocheng Zhu, Chence Shi, Zuobai Zhang, Shengchao Liu, Minghao Xu, Xinyu Yuan, Yangtian Zhang, Junkun Chen, Huiyu Cai, Jiarui Lu, Chang Ma, Runcheng Liu, Louis-Pascal Xhonneux, Meng Qu, Jian Tang

However, lacking domain knowledge (e. g., which tasks to work on), standard benchmarks and data preprocessing pipelines are the main obstacles for machine learning researchers to work in this domain.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Drug Discovery +2

Pre-training Molecular Graph Representation with 3D Geometry

1 code implementation ICLR 2022 Shengchao Liu, Hanchen Wang, Weiyang Liu, Joan Lasenby, Hongyu Guo, Jian Tang

However, the lack of 3D information in real-world scenarios has significantly impeded the learning of geometric graph representation.

3D geometry Graph Representation Learning +1

Attentive Walk-Aggregating Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation6 Oct 2021 Mehmet F. Demirel, Shengchao Liu, Siddhant Garg, Zhenmei Shi, YIngyu Liang

Our experiments demonstrate the strong performance of AWARE in graph-level prediction tasks in the standard setting in the domains of molecular property prediction and social networks.

Molecular Property Prediction Property Prediction

Interpreting Molecule Generative Models for Interactive Molecule Discovery

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Yuanqi Du, Xian Liu, Shengchao Liu, Bolei Zhou

In this work, we develop a simple yet effective method to interpret the latent space of the learned generative models with various molecular properties for more interactive molecule generation and discovery.

Drug Discovery

Multi-task Learning with Domain Knowledge for Molecular Property Prediction

no code implementations NeurIPS Workshop AI4Scien 2021 Shengchao Liu, Meng Qu, Zuobai Zhang, Huiyu Cai, Jian Tang

In this paper, we study multi-task learning for molecule property prediction in a different setting, where a relation graph between different tasks is available.

Drug Discovery Molecular Property Prediction +4

Neural Sentence Ordering Based on Constraint Graphs

1 code implementation27 Jan 2021 Yutao Zhu, Kun Zhou, Jian-Yun Nie, Shengchao Liu, Zhicheng Dou

Our experiments on five benchmark datasets show that our method outperforms all the existing baselines significantly, achieving a new state-of-the-art performance.

Sentence Sentence Ordering

Bad Global Minima Exist and SGD Can Reach Them

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Shengchao Liu, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Dimitris Achlioptas

Several works have aimed to explain why overparameterized neural networks generalize well when trained by Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD).

Data Augmentation Image Classification

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