Search Results for author: Shenggong Ji

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Graph Relation Learning for Urban Metro Flow Prediction

no code implementations6 Apr 2022 Peng Xie, Minbo Ma, Tianrui Li, Shenggong Ji, Shengdong Du, Zeng Yu, Junbo Zhang

Second, we employ a dynamic graph relationship learning module to learn dynamic spatial relationships between metro stations without a predefined graph adjacency matrix.

Management Relation +2

HiSTGNN: Hierarchical Spatio-temporal Graph Neural Networks for Weather Forecasting

no code implementations22 Jan 2022 Minbo Ma, Peng Xie, Fei Teng, Tianrui Li, Bin Wang, Shenggong Ji, Junbo Zhang

In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network (HiSTGNN) to model cross-regional spatio-temporal correlations among meteorological variables in multiple stations.

Graph Learning Graph Neural Network +4

ScaleVLAD: Improving Multimodal Sentiment Analysis via Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally Descriptors

no code implementations2 Dec 2021 Huaishao Luo, Lei Ji, Yanyong Huang, Bin Wang, Shenggong Ji, Tianrui Li

This paper proposes a fusion model named ScaleVLAD to gather multi-Scale representation from text, video, and audio with shared Vectors of Locally Aggregated Descriptors to improve unaligned multimodal sentiment analysis.

Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

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