Search Results for author: Shengyu Hao

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Ego3DT: Tracking Every 3D Object in Ego-centric Videos

no code implementations11 Oct 2024 Shengyu Hao, Wenhao Chai, Zhonghan Zhao, Meiqi Sun, Wendi Hu, Jieyang Zhou, Yixian Zhao, Qi Li, Yizhou Wang, Xi Li, Gaoang Wang

Addressing this issue, this paper introduces a novel zero-shot approach for the 3D reconstruction and tracking of all objects from the ego-centric video.

3D Reconstruction 3D Scene Reconstruction

See and Think: Embodied Agent in Virtual Environment

no code implementations26 Nov 2023 Zhonghan Zhao, Wenhao Chai, Xuan Wang, Li Boyi, Shengyu Hao, Shidong Cao, Tian Ye, Gaoang Wang

This paper proposes STEVE, a comprehensive and visionary embodied agent in the Minecraft virtual environment.

Minecraft Question Answering +1

Vision meets mmWave Radar: 3D Object Perception Benchmark for Autonomous Driving

no code implementations17 Nov 2023 Yizhou Wang, Jen-Hao Cheng, Jui-Te Huang, Sheng-Yao Kuan, Qiqian Fu, Chiming Ni, Shengyu Hao, Gaoang Wang, Guanbin Xing, Hui Liu, Jenq-Neng Hwang

This kind of radar format can enable machine learning models to generate more reliable object perception results after interacting and fusing the information or features between the camera and radar.

Autonomous Driving Sensor Fusion

A Survey of Deep Learning in Sports Applications: Perception, Comprehension, and Decision

no code implementations7 Jul 2023 Zhonghan Zhao, Wenhao Chai, Shengyu Hao, Wenhao Hu, Guanhong Wang, Shidong Cao, Mingli Song, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Gaoang Wang

Deep learning has the potential to revolutionize sports performance, with applications ranging from perception and comprehension to decision.

Deep Learning Survey

DiffFashion: Reference-based Fashion Design with Structure-aware Transfer by Diffusion Models

1 code implementation14 Feb 2023 Shidong Cao, Wenhao Chai, Shengyu Hao, Yanting Zhang, Hangyue Chen, Gaoang Wang

We focus on a new fashion design task, where we aim to transfer a reference appearance image onto a clothing image while preserving the structure of the clothing image.

Denoising Style Transfer

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