Search Results for author: Shi-Jie Wei

Found 1 papers, 0 papers with code

Near-Term Quantum Computing Techniques: Variational Quantum Algorithms, Error Mitigation, Circuit Compilation, Benchmarking and Classical Simulation

no code implementations16 Nov 2022 He-Liang Huang, Xiao-Yue Xu, Chu Guo, Guojing Tian, Shi-Jie Wei, Xiaoming Sun, Wan-su Bao, Gui-Lu Long

To address this challenge, several near-term quantum computing techniques, including variational quantum algorithms, error mitigation, quantum circuit compilation and benchmarking protocols, have been proposed to characterize and mitigate errors, and to implement algorithms with a certain resistance to noise, so as to enhance the capabilities of near-term quantum devices and explore the boundaries of their ability to realize useful applications.


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