no code implementations • 13 Oct 2024 • Sheng-Chen Bai, Shi-Ju Ran
We reveal that while gaining information through training, the linear scaling law is suppressed by a negative quadratic correction, leading to $L \simeq \beta M - \alpha M^2 + const$.
no code implementations • 14 May 2024 • Sheng-Chen Bai, Shi-Ju Ran
Replicating chaotic characteristics of non-linear dynamics by machine learning (ML) has recently drawn wide attentions.
no code implementations • 19 Nov 2023 • Shi-Ju Ran, Gang Su
It is a critical challenge to simultaneously gain high interpretability and efficiency with the current schemes of deep machine learning (ML).
no code implementations • 21 Jul 2023 • Ying Lu, Pei Shi, Xiao-Han Wang, Jie Hu, Shi-Ju Ran
Entanglement propagation provides a key routine to understand quantum many-body dynamics in and out of equilibrium.
no code implementations • 10 May 2023 • Yong Qing, Ke Li, Peng-Fei Zhou, Shi-Ju Ran
In this work, we propose a general compression scheme that significantly reduces the variational parameters of NN by encoding them to deep automatically-differentiable tensor network (ADTN) that contains exponentially-fewer free parameters.
no code implementations • 11 Mar 2023 • Yu-Jia An, Sheng-Chen Bai, Lin Cheng, Xiao-Guang Li, Cheng-en Wang, Xiao-Dong Han, Gang Su, Shi-Ju Ran, Cong Wang
The accuracy of the samples with high certainty is almost 100$\%$.
no code implementations • 8 Aug 2022 • Xiao-Han Wang, Pei Shi, Bin Xi, Jie Hu, Shi-Ju Ran
In this work, we demonstrate the validity of the deep convolutional neural network (CNN) on reconstructing the lattice topology (i. e., spin connectivities) in the presence of strong thermal fluctuations and unbalanced data.
no code implementations • 13 Jul 2022 • Sheng-Chen Bai, Yi-Cheng Tang, Shi-Ju Ran
Here we investigate such a ``white shoe'' recognition problem from the perspective of tensor network (TN) machine learning and quantum entanglement.
no code implementations • 29 Mar 2022 • Ying Lu, Peng-Fei Zhou, Shao-Ming Fei, Shi-Ju Ran
The quantum instruction set (QIS) is defined as the quantum gates that are physically realizable by controlling the qubits in quantum hardware.
no code implementations • 1 Jul 2021 • Wei-Ming Li, Shi-Ju Ran
In quantum and quantum-inspired machine learning, the very first step is to embed the data in quantum space known as Hilbert space.
no code implementations • 6 Jun 2021 • Rui Hong, Peng-Fei Zhou, Bin Xi, Jie Hu, An-Chun Ji, Shi-Ju Ran
The hybridizations of machine learning and quantum physics have caused essential impacts to the methodology in both fields.
no code implementations • 3 Jun 2021 • Ying Lu, Yue-Min Li, Peng-Fei Zhou, Shi-Ju Ran
State preparation is of fundamental importance in quantum physics, which can be realized by constructing the quantum circuit as a unitary that transforms the initial state to the target, or implementing a quantum control protocol to evolve to the target state with a designed Hamiltonian.
no code implementations • 30 Apr 2021 • Peng-Fei Zhou, Rui Hong, Shi-Ju Ran
Taking the ground states of quantum lattice models and random matrix product states as examples, with the number of qubits where processing the full coefficients is unlikely, ADQC obtains high fidelities with small numbers of layers $N_L \sim O(1)$.
no code implementations • 22 Dec 2020 • Ye-Ming Meng, Jing Zhang, Peng Zhang, Chao GAO, Shi-Ju Ran
Tensor network, which originates from quantum physics, is emerging as an efficient tool for classical and quantum machine learning.
1 code implementation • 5 Dec 2020 • Xinran Ma, Z. C. Tu, Shi-Ju Ran
In this work, we demonstrate that convolutional neural network (CNN) can learn from the coefficients of local reduced density matrices to estimate the physical parameters of the many-body Hamiltonians, such as coupling strengths and magnetic fields, provided the states as the ground states.
1 code implementation • 10 Jan 2020 • Zheng-Zhi Sun, Shi-Ju Ran, Gang Su
The gradient-based optimization method for deep machine learning models suffers from gradient vanishing and exploding problems, particularly when the computational graph becomes deep.
1 code implementation • 30 Dec 2019 • Shi-Ju Ran
To testify its validity for exponentially many events, BTN is implemented to the image recognition, where the classification is mapped to capturing the conditional probabilities in an exponentially large sample space.
no code implementations • 24 Jul 2019 • Shi-Ju Ran, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Shao-Ming Fei, Gang Su, Maciej Lewenstein
To transfer a specific piece of information with $|\Psi \rangle$, our proposal is to encode such information in the separable state with the minimal distance to the measured state $|\Phi \rangle$ that is obtained by partially measuring on $|\Psi \rangle$ in a designed way.
no code implementations • 26 Mar 2019 • Zheng-Zhi Sun, Cheng Peng, Ding Liu, Shi-Ju Ran, Gang Su
By investigating the distances in the many-body Hilbert space, we find that (a) the samples are naturally clustering in such a space; and (b) bounding the bond dimensions of the TN's to finite values corresponds to removing redundant information in the image recognition.
1 code implementation • 3 Oct 2018 • Shi-Ju Ran, Bin Xi, Cheng Peng, Gang Su, Maciej Lewenstein
In this work we propose to simulate many-body thermodynamics of infinite-size quantum lattice models in one, two, and three dimensions, in terms of few-body models of only O(10) sites, which we coin as quantum entanglement simulators (QES's).
Strongly Correlated Electrons Computational Physics Quantum Physics
1 code implementation • 24 Mar 2018 • Yuhan Liu, Xiao Zhang, Maciej Lewenstein, Shi-Ju Ran
In this work, we implement simple numerical experiments, related to pattern/images classification, in which we represent the classifiers by many-qubit quantum states written in the matrix product states (MPS).
no code implementations • ICLR 2018 • Ding Liu, Shi-Ju Ran, Peter Wittek, Cheng Peng, Raul Blázquez García, Gang Su, Maciej Lewenstein
The resemblance between the methods used in studying quantum-many body physics and in machine learning has drawn considerable attention.
3 code implementations • ICLR 2018 • Ding Liu, Shi-Ju Ran, Peter Wittek, Cheng Peng, Raul Blázquez García, Gang Su, Maciej Lewenstein
We study the quantum features of the TN states, including quantum entanglement and fidelity.
1 code implementation • 30 Aug 2017 • Shi-Ju Ran, Emanuele Tirrito, Cheng Peng, Xi Chen, Gang Su, Maciej Lewenstein
One goal is to provide a systematic introduction of TN contraction algorithms (motivations, implementations, relations, implications, etc.
Computational Physics Statistical Mechanics Strongly Correlated Electrons Applied Physics Quantum Physics