Search Results for author: Shigemasa Takai

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Synthesis of Event-triggered Controllers for SIRS Epidemic Models

no code implementations14 Oct 2023 Lichen Ding, Kazumune Hashimoto, Shigemasa Takai

To synthesize the event-triggered controller, we leverage the notion of a symbolic model, which represents an abstracted expression of the transition system associated with the SIRS model under the event-triggered control strategy.

Bayesian Meta-Learning on Control Barrier Functions with Data from On-Board Sensors

no code implementations10 Aug 2023 Wataru Hashimoto, Kazumune Hashimoto, Akifumi Wachi, Xun Shen, Masako Kishida, Shigemasa Takai

The proposed scheme realizes efficient online synthesis of the controller as shown in the simulation study and provides probabilistic safety guarantees on the resulting controller.

Meta-Learning Navigate

Neural Controller Synthesis for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications Using Encoder-Decoder Structured Networks

no code implementations10 Dec 2022 Wataru Hashimoto, Kazumune Hashimoto, Masako Kishida, Shigemasa Takai

In this paper, we propose a control synthesis method for signal temporal logic (STL) specifications with neural networks (NNs).


A Lifting Approach to Learning-Based Self-Triggered Control with Gaussian Processes

no code implementations21 Feb 2022 Wang Zhijun, Kazumune Hashimoto, Wataru Hashimoto, Shigemasa Takai

This paper investigates the design of self-triggered control for networked control systems (NCS), where the dynamics of the plant is unknown apriori.

Gaussian Processes

STL2vec: Signal Temporal Logic Embeddings for Control Synthesis With Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations10 Sep 2021 Wataru Hashimoto, Kazumune Hashimoto, Shigemasa Takai

In this paper, a method for learning a recurrent neural network (RNN) controller that maximizes the robustness of signal temporal logic (STL) specifications is presented.

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