Search Results for author: Shin Ishii

Found 18 papers, 6 papers with code

Robust off-policy Reinforcement Learning via Soft Constrained Adversary

no code implementations31 Aug 2024 Kosuke Nakanishi, Akihiro Kubo, Yuji Yasui, Shin Ishii

Recently, robust reinforcement learning (RL) methods against input observation have garnered significant attention and undergone rapid evolution due to RL's potential vulnerability.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

A Simple, Solid, and Reproducible Baseline for Bridge Bidding AI

1 code implementation14 Jun 2024 Haruka Kita, Sotetsu Koyamada, Yotaro Yamaguchi, Shin Ishii

Contract bridge, a cooperative game characterized by imperfect information and multi-agent dynamics, poses significant challenges and serves as a critical benchmark in artificial intelligence (AI) research.

A Batch Sequential Halving Algorithm without Performance Degradation

no code implementations1 Jun 2024 Sotetsu Koyamada, Soichiro Nishimori, Shin Ishii

In this paper, we investigate the problem of pure exploration in the context of multi-armed bandits, with a specific focus on scenarios where arms are pulled in fixed-size batches.

Computational Efficiency Multi-Armed Bandits

End-to-End Policy Gradient Method for POMDPs and Explainable Agents

no code implementations19 Apr 2023 Soichiro Nishimori, Sotetsu Koyamada, Shin Ishii

We proposed an RL algorithm that estimates the hidden states by end-to-end training, and visualize the estimation as a state-transition graph.

Autonomous Driving Decision Making +2

EEGFuseNet: Hybrid Unsupervised Deep Feature Characterization and Fusion for High-Dimensional EEG with An Application to Emotion Recognition

no code implementations7 Feb 2021 Zhen Liang, Rushuang Zhou, Li Zhang, Linling Li, Gan Huang, Zhiguo Zhang, Shin Ishii

The performance of the extracted deep and low-dimensional features by EEGFuseNet is carefully evaluated in an unsupervised emotion recognition application based on three public emotion databases.

EEG Emotion Recognition +2

Efficient Diverse Ensemble for Discriminative Co-Tracking

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Kourosh Meshgi, Shigeyuki Oba, Shin Ishii

To remove this redundancy and have an effective ensemble learning, it is critical for the committee to include consistent hypotheses that differ from one-another, covering the version space with minimum overlaps.

Ensemble Learning

Neural Sequence Model Training via $α$-divergence Minimization

1 code implementation30 Jun 2017 Sotetsu Koyamada, Yuta Kikuchi, Atsunori Kanemura, Shin-ichi Maeda, Shin Ishii

We propose a new neural sequence model training method in which the objective function is defined by $\alpha$-divergence.

Machine Translation reinforcement-learning +3

Active Collaborative Ensemble Tracking

no code implementations28 Apr 2017 Kourosh Meshgi, Maryam Sadat Mirzaei, Shigeyuki Oba, Shin Ishii

However, by updating all of the ensemble using a shared set of samples and their final labels, such diversity is lost or reduced to the diversity provided by the underlying features or internal classifiers' dynamics.

Diversity General Classification

Efficient Version-Space Reduction for Visual Tracking

no code implementations2 Apr 2017 Kourosh Meshgi, Shigeyuki Oba, Shin Ishii

To cope with variations of the target shape and appearance, the classifier is updated online with different samples of the target and the background.

Visual Tracking

Efficient Asymmetric Co-Tracking using Uncertainty Sampling

no code implementations31 Mar 2017 Kourosh Meshgi, Maryam Sadat Mirzaei, Shigeyuki Oba, Shin Ishii

We also introduce a budgeting mechanism which prevents the unbounded growth in the number of examples in the first detector to maintain its rapid response.

Distributional Smoothing with Virtual Adversarial Training

5 code implementations2 Jul 2015 Takeru Miyato, Shin-ichi Maeda, Masanori Koyama, Ken Nakae, Shin Ishii

We propose local distributional smoothness (LDS), a new notion of smoothness for statistical model that can be used as a regularization term to promote the smoothness of the model distribution.

Deep learning of fMRI big data: a novel approach to subject-transfer decoding

no code implementations31 Jan 2015 Sotetsu Koyamada, Yumi Shikauchi, Ken Nakae, Masanori Koyama, Shin Ishii

Our PSA successfully visualized the subject-independent features contributing to the subject-transferability of the trained decoder.

Brain Decoding Decoder +1

Principal Sensitivity Analysis

no code implementations21 Dec 2014 Sotetsu Koyamada, Masanori Koyama, Ken Nakae, Shin Ishii

We then visualize the PSMs to demonstrate the PSA's ability to decompose the knowledge acquired by the trained classifiers.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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