Search Results for author: Shisong Li

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

A SVD-based Dynamic Harmonic Phasor Estimator with Improved Suppression of Out-of-Band Interference

no code implementations16 Nov 2022 Dongfang Zhao, Shisong Li, Fuping Wang, Wei Zhao, Songling Huang, Qing Wang

The diffusion of nonlinear loads and power electronic devices in power systems deteriorates the signal environment and increases the difficulty of measuring harmonic phasors.

A Two-Stage Wavelet Decomposition Method for Instantaneous Power Quality Indices Estimation Considering Interharmonics and Transient Disturbances

no code implementations10 Jan 2021 Yiqing Yu, Wei Zhao, Shisong Li, Songling Huang

As the complexity increases in modern power systems, power quality analysis considering interharmonics has become a challenging and important task.

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