Search Results for author: Shiwei Fang

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Efficient IoT Inference via Context-Awareness

no code implementations29 Oct 2023 Mohammad Mehdi Rastikerdar, Jin Huang, Shiwei Fang, Hui Guan, Deepak Ganesan

While existing strategies to execute deep learning-based classification on low-power platforms assume the models are trained on all classes of interest, this paper posits that adopting context-awareness i. e. narrowing down a classification task to the current deployment context consisting of only recent inference queries can substantially enhance performance in resource-constrained environments.


CarFi: Rider Localization Using Wi-Fi CSI

no code implementations21 Dec 2022 Sirajum Munir, Hongkai Chen, Shiwei Fang, Mahathir Monjur, Shan Lin, Shahriar Nirjon

With the rise of hailing services, people are increasingly relying on shared mobility (e. g., Uber, Lyft) drivers to pick up for transportation.


AI-Enhanced 3D RF Representation Using Low-Cost mmWave Radar

no code implementations SenSys '18 Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems 2018 Shiwei Fang, Shahriar Nirjon

This paper introduces a system that takes radio frequency (RF) signals from an off-the-shelf, low-cost, 77 GHz mm Wave radar and produces an enhanced 3D RF representation of a scene.

RF-based Pose Estimation Robot Navigation

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