Search Results for author: Shiyu Fan

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Flat'n'Fold: A Diverse Multi-Modal Dataset for Garment Perception and Manipulation

no code implementations26 Sep 2024 Lipeng Zhuang, Shiyu Fan, Yingdong Ru, Florent Audonnet, Paul Henderson, Gerardo Aragon-Camarasa

We quantify the dataset's diversity and complexity compared to existing benchmarks and show that our dataset features natural and diverse manipulations of real-world demonstrations of human and robot demonstrations in terms of visual and action information.


Missing-modality Enabled Multi-modal Fusion Architecture for Medical Data

no code implementations27 Sep 2023 Muyu Wang, Shiyu Fan, Yichen Li, Hui Chen

This study aimed to develop an efficient multi-modal fusion architecture for medical data that was robust to missing modalities and further improved the performance on disease diagnosis. X-ray chest radiographs for the image modality, radiology reports for the text modality, and structured value data for the tabular data modality were fused in this study.


A Fast Location Algorithm for Very Sparse Point Clouds Based on Object Detection

no code implementations21 Oct 2021 Shiyu Fan

Limited by the performance factor, it is arduous to recognize target object and locate it in Augmented Reality (AR) scenes on low-end mobile devices, especially which using monocular cameras.

Object object-detection +1

A Medical Pre-Diagnosis System for Histopathological Image of Breast Cancer

no code implementations16 Sep 2021 Shiyu Fan, Runhai Xu, Zhaohang Yan

This paper constructs a novel intelligent medical diagnosis system, which can realize automatic communication and breast cancer pathological image recognition.

Chatbot Information Retrieval +3

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