Search Results for author: Shohei Nobuhara

Found 29 papers, 5 papers with code

KFD-NeRF: Rethinking Dynamic NeRF with Kalman Filter

no code implementations18 Jul 2024 Yifan Zhan, Zhuoxiao Li, Muyao Niu, Zhihang Zhong, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino, Yinqiang Zheng

To further enhance the performance of the observation MLP, we introduce regularization in the canonical space to facilitate the network's ability to learn warping for different frames.

SPIDeRS: Structured Polarization for Invisible Depth and Reflectance Sensing

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Tomoki Ichikawa, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We introduce structured polarization for invisible depth and reflectance sensing (SPIDeRS), the first depth and reflectance sensing method using patterns of polarized light.

DeepShaRM: Multi-View Shape and Reflectance Map Recovery Under Unknown Lighting

no code implementations26 Oct 2023 Kohei Yamashita, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We introduce a novel deep reflectance map estimation network that recovers the camera-view reflectance maps from the surface normals of the current geometry estimate and the input multi-view images.

Inverse Rendering

DeePoint: Visual Pointing Recognition and Direction Estimation

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Shu Nakamura, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

The first is the introduction of a first-of-its-kind large-scale dataset for pointing recognition and direction estimation, which we refer to as the DP Dataset.

TransPoser: Transformer as an Optimizer for Joint Object Shape and Pose Estimation

no code implementations23 Mar 2023 Yuta Yoshitake, Mai Nishimura, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We propose a novel method for joint estimation of shape and pose of rigid objects from their sequentially observed RGB-D images.

Pose Estimation

InCrowdFormer: On-Ground Pedestrian World Model From Egocentric Views

no code implementations16 Mar 2023 Mai Nishimura, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We introduce an on-ground Pedestrian World Model, a computational model that can predict how pedestrians move around an observer in the crowd on the ground plane, but from just the egocentric-views of the observer.


NeRFrac: Neural Radiance Fields through Refractive Surface

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Yifan Zhan, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino, Yinqiang Zheng

We introduce NeRFrac to realize neural novel view synthesis of scenes captured through refractive surfaces, typically water surfaces.

Novel View Synthesis

Teleidoscopic Imaging System for Microscale 3D Shape Reconstruction

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Ryo Kawahara, Meng-Yu Jennifer Kuo, Shohei Nobuhara

The planar mirrors virtually define multiple viewpoints by multiple reflections, and the monocentric lens realizes a high magnification with less blurry and surround view even in closeup imaging.

3D Shape Reconstruction

Fresnel Microfacet BRDF: Unification of Polari-Radiometric Surface-Body Reflection

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Tomoki Ichikawa, Yoshiki Fukao, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

Our key idea is to model the Fresnel reflection and transmission of the surface microgeometry with a collection of oriented mirror facets, both for body and surface reflections.

ViewBirdiformer: Learning to recover ground-plane crowd trajectories and ego-motion from a single ego-centric view

no code implementations12 Oct 2022 Mai Nishimura, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We introduce a novel learning-based method for view birdification, the task of recovering ground-plane trajectories of pedestrians of a crowd and their observer in the same crowd just from the observed ego-centric video.

Robot Navigation

nLMVS-Net: Deep Non-Lambertian Multi-View Stereo

no code implementations25 Jul 2022 Kohei Yamashita, Yuto Enyo, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

Our key idea is to formulate MVS as an end-to-end learnable network, which we refer to as nLMVS-Net, that seamlessly integrates radiometric cues to leverage surface normals as view-independent surface features for learned cost volume construction and filtering.

BlindSpotNet: Seeing Where We Cannot See

no code implementations8 Jul 2022 Taichi Fukuda, Kotaro Hasegawa, Shinya Ishizaki, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

Next, we introduce BlindSpotNet (BSN), a simple network that fully leverages this dataset for fully automatic estimation of frame-wise blind spot probability maps for arbitrary driving videos.

Monocular Depth Estimation road scene understanding +1

Dynamic 3D Gaze From Afar: Deep Gaze Estimation From Temporal Eye-Head-Body Coordination

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Soma Nonaka, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We introduce a novel method and dataset for 3D gaze estimation of a freely moving person from a distance, typically in surveillance views.

Gaze Estimation

View Birdification in the Crowd: Ground-Plane Localization from Perceived Movements

no code implementations9 Nov 2021 Mai Nishimura, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We introduce view birdification, the problem of recovering ground-plane movements of people in a crowd from an ego-centric video captured from an observer (e. g., a person or a vehicle) also moving in the crowd.

Polarimetric Normal Stereo

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Yoshiki Fukao, Ryo Kawahara, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

Our key idea is to introduce a polarimetric cost volume of distance defined on the polarimetric observations and the polarization state computed from the surface normal.


Shape From Sky: Polarimetric Normal Recovery Under the Sky

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Tomoki Ichikawa, Matthew Purri, Ryo Kawahara, Shohei Nobuhara, Kristin Dana, Ko Nishino

That is, we show that the unique polarization pattern encoded in the polarimetric appearance of an object captured under the sky can be decoded to reveal the surface normal at each pixel.


Structure of Multiple Mirror System from Kaleidoscopic Projections of Single 3D Point

no code implementations29 Mar 2021 Kosuke Takahashi, Shohei Nobuhara

The kaleidoscopic imaging system can be recognized as the virtual multi-camera system and has strong advantages in that the virtual cameras are strictly synchronized and have the same intrinsic parameters.

Video Region Annotation with Sparse Bounding Boxes

no code implementations17 Aug 2020 Yuzheng Xu, Yang Wu, Nur Sabrina binti Zuraimi, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

Video analysis has been moving towards more detailed interpretation (e. g. segmentation) with encouraging progresses.

Invertible Neural BRDF for Object Inverse Rendering

1 code implementation ECCV 2020 Zhe Chen, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We introduce a novel neural network-based BRDF model and a Bayesian framework for object inverse rendering, i. e., joint estimation of reflectance and natural illumination from a single image of an object of known geometry.

Inverse Rendering Object

SOIC: Semantic Online Initialization and Calibration for LiDAR and Camera

no code implementations9 Mar 2020 Weimin Wang, Shohei Nobuhara, Ryosuke Nakamura, Ken Sakurada

This paper presents a novel semantic-based online extrinsic calibration approach, SOIC (so, I see), for Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and camera sensors.

3D-GMNet: Single-View 3D Shape Recovery as A Gaussian Mixture

no code implementations10 Dec 2019 Kohei Yamashita, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

In this paper, we introduce 3D-GMNet, a deep neural network for 3D object shape reconstruction from a single image.

3D Reconstruction Density Estimation +1

Appearance and Shape from Water Reflection

no code implementations25 Jun 2019 Ryo Kawahara, Meng-Yu Jennifer Kuo, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

In other words, for the first time, we show that capturing a direct and water-reflected scene in a single exposure forms a self-calibrating HDR catadioptric stereo camera.

3D Scene Reconstruction Stereo Matching +1

Deep Photovoltaic Nowcasting

no code implementations15 Oct 2018 Jinsong Zhang, Rodrigo Verschae, Shohei Nobuhara, Jean-François Lalonde

Our experiments reveal that the MLP network, already used similarly in previous work, achieves an RMSE skill score of 7% over the commonly-used persistence baseline on the 1-minute future photovoltaic power prediction task.


A Linear Extrinsic Calibration of Kaleidoscopic Imaging System from Single 3D Point

no code implementations CVPR 2017 Kosuke Takahashi, Akihiro Miyata, Shohei Nobuhara, Takashi Matsuyama

This paper proposes a new extrinsic calibration of kaleidoscopic imaging system by estimating normals and distances of the mirrors.

Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Interaction Capture

1 code implementation9 Dec 2016 Hanbyul Joo, Tomas Simon, Xulong Li, Hao liu, Lei Tan, Lin Gui, Sean Banerjee, Timothy Godisart, Bart Nabbe, Iain Matthews, Takeo Kanade, Shohei Nobuhara, Yaser Sheikh

The core challenges in capturing social interactions are: (1) occlusion is functional and frequent; (2) subtle motion needs to be measured over a space large enough to host a social group; (3) human appearance and configuration variation is immense; and (4) attaching markers to the body may prime the nature of interactions.

A Linear Generalized Camera Calibration From Three Intersecting Reference Planes

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Mai Nishimura, Shohei Nobuhara, Takashi Matsuyama, Shinya Shimizu, Kensaku Fujii

This paper presents a new generalized (or ray-pixel, raxel) camera calibration algorithm for camera systems involving distortions by unknown refraction and reflection processes.

Camera Calibration

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