Search Results for author: Shoko Araki

Found 28 papers, 4 papers with code

Probing Self-supervised Learning Models with Target Speech Extraction

no code implementations17 Feb 2024 Junyi Peng, Marc Delcroix, Tsubasa Ochiai, Oldrich Plchot, Takanori Ashihara, Shoko Araki, Jan Cernocky

TSE uniquely requires both speaker identification and speech separation, distinguishing it from other tasks in the Speech processing Universal PERformance Benchmark (SUPERB) evaluation.

Self-Supervised Learning Speaker Identification +2

Target Speech Extraction with Pre-trained Self-supervised Learning Models

no code implementations17 Feb 2024 Junyi Peng, Marc Delcroix, Tsubasa Ochiai, Oldrich Plchot, Shoko Araki, Jan Cernocky

We then extend a powerful TSE architecture by incorporating two SSL-based modules: an Adaptive Input Enhancer (AIE) and a speaker encoder.

Self-Supervised Learning Speech Extraction

Array Geometry-Robust Attention-Based Neural Beamformer for Moving Speakers

no code implementations5 Feb 2024 Marvin Tammen, Tsubasa Ochiai, Marc Delcroix, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki, Simon Doclo

Although mask-based beamforming is a powerful speech enhancement approach, it often requires manual parameter tuning to handle moving speakers.

Speech Enhancement

Lattice Rescoring Based on Large Ensemble of Complementary Neural Language Models

no code implementations20 Dec 2023 Atsunori Ogawa, Naohiro Tawara, Marc Delcroix, Shoko Araki

We investigate the effectiveness of using a large ensemble of advanced neural language models (NLMs) for lattice rescoring on automatic speech recognition (ASR) hypotheses.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +1

How does end-to-end speech recognition training impact speech enhancement artifacts?

no code implementations20 Nov 2023 Kazuma Iwamoto, Tsubasa Ochiai, Marc Delcroix, Rintaro Ikeshita, Hiroshi Sato, Shoko Araki, Shigeru Katagiri

Jointly training a speech enhancement (SE) front-end and an automatic speech recognition (ASR) back-end has been investigated as a way to mitigate the influence of \emph{processing distortion} generated by single-channel SE on ASR.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Modified Parametric Multichannel Wiener Filter \\for Low-latency Enhancement of Speech Mixtures with Unknown Number of Speakers

no code implementations29 Jun 2023 Ning Guo, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki, Takehiro Moriya

This paper introduces a novel low-latency online beamforming (BF) algorithm, named Modified Parametric Multichannel Wiener Filter (Mod-PMWF), for enhancing speech mixtures with unknown and varying number of speakers.

Low-latency processing

ConceptBeam: Concept Driven Target Speech Extraction

no code implementations25 Jul 2022 Yasunori Ohishi, Marc Delcroix, Tsubasa Ochiai, Shoko Araki, Daiki Takeuchi, Daisuke Niizumi, Akisato Kimura, Noboru Harada, Kunio Kashino

We use it to bridge modality-dependent information, i. e., the speech segments in the mixture, and the specified, modality-independent concept.

Metric Learning Speech Extraction

Mask-based Neural Beamforming for Moving Speakers with Self-Attention-based Tracking

no code implementations7 May 2022 Tsubasa Ochiai, Marc Delcroix, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki

We thus introduce a learning-based framework that computes optimal attention weights for beamforming.

Few-shot learning of new sound classes for target sound extraction

no code implementations14 Jun 2021 Marc Delcroix, Jorge Bennasar Vázquez, Tsubasa Ochiai, Keisuke Kinoshita, Shoko Araki

Target sound extraction consists of extracting the sound of a target acoustic event (AE) class from a mixture of AE sounds.

Few-Shot Learning Target Sound Extraction

PILOT: Introducing Transformers for Probabilistic Sound Event Localization

1 code implementation7 Jun 2021 Christopher Schymura, Benedikt Bönninghoff, Tsubasa Ochiai, Marc Delcroix, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki, Dorothea Kolossa

Sound event localization aims at estimating the positions of sound sources in the environment with respect to an acoustic receiver (e. g. a microphone array).

Event Detection

Comparison of remote experiments using crowdsourcing and laboratory experiments on speech intelligibility

no code implementations17 Apr 2021 Ayako Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Kenichi Arai, Shoko Araki, Atsunori Ogawa, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani

Many subjective experiments have been performed to develop objective speech intelligibility measures, but the novel coronavirus outbreak has made it very difficult to conduct experiments in a laboratory.

Speech Enhancement

Exploiting Attention-based Sequence-to-Sequence Architectures for Sound Event Localization

1 code implementation28 Feb 2021 Christopher Schymura, Tsubasa Ochiai, Marc Delcroix, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki, Dorothea Kolossa

Herein, attentions allow for capturing temporal dependencies in the audio signal by focusing on specific frames that are relevant for estimating the activity and direction-of-arrival of sound events at the current time-step.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +1

Multimodal Attention Fusion for Target Speaker Extraction

no code implementations2 Feb 2021 Hiroshi Sato, Tsubasa Ochiai, Keisuke Kinoshita, Marc Delcroix, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki

Recently an audio-visual target speaker extraction has been proposed that extracts target speech by using complementary audio and visual clues.

Target Speaker Extraction

Neural Network-based Virtual Microphone Estimator

no code implementations12 Jan 2021 Tsubasa Ochiai, Marc Delcroix, Tomohiro Nakatani, Rintaro Ikeshita, Keisuke Kinoshita, Shoko Araki

Developing microphone array technologies for a small number of microphones is important due to the constraints of many devices.

Speech Enhancement

Block Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Auxiliary-Function-Based Independent Vector Extraction

no code implementations18 Oct 2020 Rintaro Ikeshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki

We also newly develop a BCD for a semiblind IVE in which the transfer functions for several super-Gaussian sources are given a priori.

Listen to What You Want: Neural Network-based Universal Sound Selector

no code implementations10 Jun 2020 Tsubasa Ochiai, Marc Delcroix, Yuma Koizumi, Hiroaki Ito, Keisuke Kinoshita, Shoko Araki

In this paper, we propose instead a universal sound selection neural network that enables to directly select AE sounds from a mixture given user-specified target AE classes.

Tackling real noisy reverberant meetings with all-neural source separation, counting, and diarization system

no code implementations9 Mar 2020 Keisuke Kinoshita, Marc Delcroix, Shoko Araki, Tomohiro Nakatani

Automatic meeting analysis is an essential fundamental technology required to let, e. g. smart devices follow and respond to our conversations.

speaker-diarization Speaker Diarization +1

Improving speaker discrimination of target speech extraction with time-domain SpeakerBeam

1 code implementation23 Jan 2020 Marc Delcroix, Tsubasa Ochiai, Katerina Zmolikova, Keisuke Kinoshita, Naohiro Tawara, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki

First, we propose a time-domain implementation of SpeakerBeam similar to that proposed for a time-domain audio separation network (TasNet), which has achieved state-of-the-art performance for speech separation.

Speaker Identification Speech Extraction

All-neural online source separation, counting, and diarization for meeting analysis

no code implementations21 Feb 2019 Thilo von Neumann, Keisuke Kinoshita, Marc Delcroix, Shoko Araki, Tomohiro Nakatani, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach

While significant progress has been made on individual tasks, this paper presents for the first time an all-neural approach to simultaneous speaker counting, diarization and source separation.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +3

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