Search Results for author: Shreyas Hampali

Found 12 papers, 6 papers with code

Introducing HOT3D: An Egocentric Dataset for 3D Hand and Object Tracking

no code implementations13 Jun 2024 Prithviraj Banerjee, Sindi Shkodrani, Pierre Moulon, Shreyas Hampali, Fan Zhang, Jade Fountain, Edward Miller, Selen Basol, Richard Newcombe, Robert Wang, Jakob Julian Engel, Tomas Hodan

The dataset offers over 833 minutes (more than 3. 7M images) of multi-view RGB/monochrome image streams showing 19 subjects interacting with 33 diverse rigid objects, multi-modal signals such as eye gaze or scene point clouds, as well as comprehensive ground truth annotations including 3D poses of objects, hands, and cameras, and 3D models of hands and objects.

Object Tracking

EgoPoseFormer: A Simple Baseline for Stereo Egocentric 3D Human Pose Estimation

1 code implementation26 Mar 2024 Chenhongyi Yang, Anastasia Tkach, Shreyas Hampali, Linguang Zhang, Elliot J. Crowley, Cem Keskin

We also show that our method can be seamlessly extended to monocular settings, which achieves state-of-the-art performance on the SceneEgo dataset, improving MPJPE by 25. 5mm (21% improvement) compared to the best existing method with only 60. 7% model parameters and 36. 4% FLOPs.

Egocentric Pose Estimation

DiffH2O: Diffusion-Based Synthesis of Hand-Object Interactions from Textual Descriptions

no code implementations26 Mar 2024 Sammy Christen, Shreyas Hampali, Fadime Sener, Edoardo Remelli, Tomas Hodan, Eric Sauser, Shugao Ma, Bugra Tekin

For the textual guidance, we contribute comprehensive text descriptions to the GRAB dataset and show that they enable our method to have more fine-grained control over hand-object interactions.


In-Hand 3D Object Scanning from an RGB Sequence

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Shreyas Hampali, Tomas Hodan, Luan Tran, Lingni Ma, Cem Keskin, Vincent Lepetit

As direct optimization over all shape and pose parameters is prone to fail without coarse-level initialization, we propose an incremental approach that starts by splitting the sequence into carefully selected overlapping segments within which the optimization is likely to succeed.

global-optimization NeRF +1

HO-3D_v3: Improving the Accuracy of Hand-Object Annotations of the HO-3D Dataset

1 code implementation2 Jul 2021 Shreyas Hampali, Sayan Deb Sarkar, Vincent Lepetit

HO-3D is a dataset providing image sequences of various hand-object interaction scenarios annotated with the 3D pose of the hand and the object and was originally introduced as HO-3D_v2.


General 3D Room Layout from a Single View by Render-and-Compare

1 code implementation ECCV 2020 Sinisa Stekovic, Shreyas Hampali, Mahdi Rad, Sayan Deb Sarkar, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Vincent Lepetit

In order to deal with occlusions between components of the layout, which is a problem ignored by previous works, we introduce an analysis-by-synthesis method to iteratively refine the 3D layout estimate.

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