Search Results for author: Shu Guo

Found 17 papers, 7 papers with code

Variational Multi-Modal Hypergraph Attention Network for Multi-Modal Relation Extraction

no code implementations18 Apr 2024 Qian Li, Cheng Ji, Shu Guo, Yong Zhao, Qianren Mao, Shangguang Wang, Yuntao Wei, JianXin Li

Existing methods are limited by their neglect of the multiple entity pairs in one sentence sharing very similar contextual information (ie, the same text and image), resulting in increased difficulty in the MMRE task.

Diversity Relation +2

Uncertainty-Aware Relational Graph Neural Network for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion

no code implementations7 Mar 2024 Qian Li, Shu Guo, Yinjia Chen, Cheng Ji, Jiawei Sheng, JianXin Li

Uncertainty representation is first designed for estimating the uncertainty scope of the entity pairs after transferring feature representations into a Gaussian distribution.

Few-Shot Learning Graph Neural Network +1

Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph Transformer Framework for Multi-Modal Entity Alignment

1 code implementation10 Oct 2023 Qian Li, Cheng Ji, Shu Guo, Zhaoji Liang, Lihong Wang, JianXin Li

To address these challenges, we propose a novel MMEA transformer, called MoAlign, that hierarchically introduces neighbor features, multi-modal attributes, and entity types to enhance the alignment task.

Knowledge Graphs Multi-modal Entity Alignment +1

Dual-Gated Fusion with Prefix-Tuning for Multi-Modal Relation Extraction

no code implementations19 Jun 2023 Qian Li, Shu Guo, Cheng Ji, Xutan Peng, Shiyao Cui, JianXin Li

Multi-Modal Relation Extraction (MMRE) aims at identifying the relation between two entities in texts that contain visual clues.

Decoder Relation +1

Attribute-Consistent Knowledge Graph Representation Learning for Multi-Modal Entity Alignment

no code implementations4 Apr 2023 Qian Li, Shu Guo, Yangyifei Luo, Cheng Ji, Lihong Wang, Jiawei Sheng, JianXin Li

In this paper, we propose a novel attribute-consistent knowledge graph representation learning framework for MMEA (ACK-MMEA) to compensate the contextual gaps through incorporating consistent alignment knowledge.

Attribute Graph Neural Network +4

Network resilience in the aging brain

no code implementations3 Feb 2022 Tao Liu, Shu Guo, Hao liu, Rui Kang, Mingyang Bai, Jiyang Jiang, Wei Wen, Xing Pan, Jun Tai, JianXin Li, Jian Cheng, Jing Jing, Zhenzhou Wu, Haijun Niu, Haogang Zhu, Zixiao Li, Yongjun Wang, Henry Brodaty, Perminder Sachdev, Daqing Li

Degeneration and adaptation are two competing sides of the same coin called resilience in the progressive processes of brain aging or diseases.

High-Speed Light Focusing through Scattering Medium by Cooperatively Accelerated Genetic Algorithm

no code implementations29 Nov 2021 Shu Guo, Lin Pang

We develop an accelerated Genetic Algorithm (GA) system constructed by the cooperation of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and optimized parameters of the GA. We found the enhanced decay of mutation rate makes convergence of the GA much faster, enabling the parameter-induced acceleration of the GA.

Event Extraction by Associating Event Types and Argument Roles

no code implementations23 Aug 2021 Qian Li, Shu Guo, Jia Wu, JianXin Li, Jiawei Sheng, Lihong Wang, Xiaohan Dong, Hao Peng

It ignores meaningful associations among event types and argument roles, leading to relatively poor performance for less frequent types/roles.

Event Extraction Graph Attention +2

Deep Structural Point Process for Learning Temporal Interaction Networks

1 code implementation8 Jul 2021 Jiangxia Cao, Xixun Lin, Xin Cong, Shu Guo, Hengzhu Tang, Tingwen Liu, Bin Wang

A temporal interaction network consists of a series of chronological interactions between users and items.

A Survey on Deep Learning Event Extraction: Approaches and Applications

no code implementations5 Jul 2021 Qian Li, JianXin Li, Jiawei Sheng, Shiyao Cui, Jia Wu, Yiming Hei, Hao Peng, Shu Guo, Lihong Wang, Amin Beheshti, Philip S. Yu

Numerous methods, datasets, and evaluation metrics have been proposed in the literature, raising the need for a comprehensive and updated survey.

Deep Learning Event Extraction +1

Attend and select: A segment selective transformer for microblog hashtag generation

1 code implementation6 Jun 2021 Qianren Mao, Xi Li, Bang Liu, Shu Guo, Peng Hao, JianXin Li, Lihong Wang

These tokens or phrases may originate from primary fragmental textual pieces (e. g., segments) in the original text and are separated into different segments.

Bipartite Graph Embedding via Mutual Information Maximization

1 code implementation10 Dec 2020 Jiangxia Cao, Xixun Lin, Shu Guo, Luchen Liu, Tingwen Liu, Bin Wang

However, the global properties of bipartite graph, including community structures of homogeneous nodes and long-range dependencies of heterogeneous nodes, are not well preserved.

Graph Embedding Link Prediction

Adaptive Attentional Network for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion

1 code implementation EMNLP 2020 Jiawei Sheng, Shu Guo, Zhenyu Chen, Juwei Yue, Lihong Wang, Tingwen Liu, Hongbo Xu

Recent attempts solve this problem by learning static representations of entities and references, ignoring their dynamic properties, i. e., entities may exhibit diverse roles within task relations, and references may make different contributions to queries.

Knowledge Graph Completion Link Prediction

Knowledge Graph Embedding with Iterative Guidance from Soft Rules

1 code implementation30 Nov 2017 Shu Guo, Quan Wang, Lihong Wang, Bin Wang, Li Guo

In this paper, we propose Rule-Guided Embedding (RUGE), a novel paradigm of KG embedding with iterative guidance from soft rules.

Knowledge Graph Embedding Knowledge Graphs +1

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