Search Results for author: Shuang Yu

Found 13 papers, 5 papers with code

Toward the Automated Construction of Probabilistic Knowledge Graphs for the Maritime Domain

no code implementations4 May 2023 Fatemeh Shiri, Teresa Wang, Shirui Pan, Xiaojun Chang, Yuan-Fang Li, Reza Haffari, Van Nguyen, Shuang Yu

In order to exploit the potentially useful and rich information from such sources, it is necessary to extract not only the relevant entities and concepts but also their semantic relations, together with the uncertainty associated with the extracted knowledge (i. e., in the form of probabilistic knowledge graphs).

Knowledge Graphs

Multi-Anchor Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

2 code implementations ICCV 2021 Munan Ning, Donghuan Lu, Dong Wei, Cheng Bian, Chenglang Yuan, Shuang Yu, Kai Ma, Yefeng Zheng

Unsupervised domain adaption has proven to be an effective approach for alleviating the intensive workload of manual annotation by aligning the synthetic source-domain data and the real-world target-domain samples.

Active Learning Domain Adaptation +1

Calibrated RGB-D Salient Object Detection

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Wei Ji, Jingjing Li, Shuang Yu, Miao Zhang, Yongri Piao, Shunyu Yao, Qi Bi, Kai Ma, Yefeng Zheng, Huchuan Lu, Li Cheng

Complex backgrounds and similar appearances between objects and their surroundings are generally recognized as challenging scenarios in Salient Object Detection (SOD).

Object object-detection +3

TR-GAN: Topology Ranking GAN with Triplet Loss for Retinal Artery/Vein Classification

no code implementations29 Jul 2020 Wenting Chen, Shuang Yu, Junde Wu, Kai Ma, Cheng Bian, Chunyan Chu, Linlin Shen, Yefeng Zheng

A topology ranking discriminator based on ordinal regression is proposed to rank the topological connectivity level of the ground-truth, the generated A/V mask and the intentionally shuffled mask.

Classification General Classification +2

Difficulty-aware Glaucoma Classification with Multi-Rater Consensus Modeling

no code implementations29 Jul 2020 Shuang Yu, Hong-Yu Zhou, Kai Ma, Cheng Bian, Chunyan Chu, Hanruo Liu, Yefeng Zheng

However, when being used for model training, only the final ground-truth label is utilized, while the critical information contained in the raw multi-rater gradings regarding the image being an easy/hard case is discarded.

Classification General Classification +1

Leveraging Undiagnosed Data for Glaucoma Classification with Teacher-Student Learning

1 code implementation22 Jul 2020 Junde Wu, Shuang Yu, WenTing Chen, Kai Ma, Rao Fu, Hanruo Liu, Xiaoguang Di, Yefeng Zheng

Recently, deep learning has been adopted to the glaucoma classification task with performance comparable to that of human experts.

Classification General Classification +1

A Macro-Micro Weakly-supervised Framework for AS-OCT Tissue Segmentation

no code implementations20 Jul 2020 Munan Ning, Cheng Bian, Donghuan Lu, Hong-Yu Zhou, Shuang Yu, Chenglang Yuan, Yang Guo, Yaohua Wang, Kai Ma, Yefeng Zheng

Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) is the leading cause of irreversible blindness among Asian people.

Multi-Task Neural Networks with Spatial Activation for Retinal Vessel Segmentation and Artery/Vein Classification

no code implementations18 Jul 2020 Wenao Ma, Shuang Yu, Kai Ma, Jiexiang Wang, Xinghao Ding, Yefeng Zheng

In this paper, we propose a multi-task deep neural network with spatial activation mechanism that is able to segment full retinal vessel, artery and vein simultaneously, without the pre-requirement of vessel segmentation.

Classification General Classification +2

Comparing to Learn: Surpassing ImageNet Pretraining on Radiographs By Comparing Image Representations

1 code implementation15 Jul 2020 Hong-Yu Zhou, Shuang Yu, Cheng Bian, Yifan Hu, Kai Ma, Yefeng Zheng

In deep learning era, pretrained models play an important role in medical image analysis, in which ImageNet pretraining has been widely adopted as the best way.

Medical Image Analysis

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