Search Results for author: Shubham Chandel

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Predicting Code Coverage without Execution

1 code implementation25 Jul 2023 Michele Tufano, Shubham Chandel, Anisha Agarwal, Neel Sundaresan, Colin Clement

Using Machine Learning to amortize this expensive process could lower the cost of code coverage by requiring only the source code context, and the task of code coverage prediction can be a novel benchmark for judging the ability of models to understand code.

LAHM : Large Annotated Dataset for Multi-Domain and Multilingual Hate Speech Identification

no code implementations3 Apr 2023 Ankit Yadav, Shubham Chandel, Sushant Chatufale, Anil Bandhakavi

In this work, we describe how we created the dataset, created annotations at high level and low level for different domains and how we use it to test the current state-of-the-art multilingual and multitask learning approaches.

Classification Hate Speech Detection +1

Training and Evaluating a Jupyter Notebook Data Science Assistant

1 code implementation30 Jan 2022 Shubham Chandel, Colin B. Clement, Guillermo Serrato, Neel Sundaresan

We study the feasibility of a Data Science assistant powered by a sequence-to-sequence transformer by training a new model JuPyT5 on all publicly available Jupyter Notebook GitHub repositories and developing a new metric: Data Science Problems (DSP).


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