Search Results for author: Shudan Zhang

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

NaturalCodeBench: Examining Coding Performance Mismatch on HumanEval and Natural User Prompts

1 code implementation7 May 2024 Shudan Zhang, Hanlin Zhao, Xiao Liu, Qinkai Zheng, Zehan Qi, Xiaotao Gu, Xiaohan Zhang, Yuxiao Dong, Jie Tang

To fill this gap, we propose NaturalCodeBench (NCB), a challenging code benchmark designed to mirror the complexity and variety of scenarios in real coding tasks.


AgentBench: Evaluating LLMs as Agents

1 code implementation7 Aug 2023 Xiao Liu, Hao Yu, Hanchen Zhang, Yifan Xu, Xuanyu Lei, Hanyu Lai, Yu Gu, Hangliang Ding, Kaiwen Men, Kejuan Yang, Shudan Zhang, Xiang Deng, Aohan Zeng, Zhengxiao Du, Chenhui Zhang, Sheng Shen, Tianjun Zhang, Yu Su, Huan Sun, Minlie Huang, Yuxiao Dong, Jie Tang

We present AgentBench, a multi-dimensional evolving benchmark that currently consists of 8 distinct environments to assess LLM-as-Agent's reasoning and decision-making abilities in a multi-turn open-ended generation setting.

Decision Making Instruction Following

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