Search Results for author: Shuguang Dou

Found 8 papers, 6 papers with code

DROP: Decouple Re-Identification and Human Parsing with Task-specific Features for Occluded Person Re-identification

1 code implementation31 Jan 2024 Shuguang Dou, Xiangyang Jiang, Yuanpeng Tu, Junyao Gao, Zefan Qu, Qingsong Zhao, Cairong Zhao

Unlike mainstream approaches using global features for simultaneous multi-task learning of ReID and human parsing, or relying on semantic information for attention guidance, DROP argues that the inferior performance of the former is due to distinct granularity requirements for ReID and human parsing features.

Human Parsing Multi-Task Learning +1

EA-HAS-Bench:Energy-Aware Hyperparameter and Architecture Search Benchmark

1 code implementation The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations 2023 Shuguang Dou, Xinyang Jiang, Cai Rong Zhao, Dongsheng Li

The energy consumption for training deep learning models is increasing at an alarming rate due to the growth of training data and model scale, resulting in a negative impact on carbon neutrality.


Human Co-Parsing Guided Alignment for Occluded Person Re-identification

1 code implementation IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2022 Shuguang Dou, Cairong Zhao, Xinyang Jiang, Shanshan Zhang, Wei-Shi Zheng, WangMeng Zuo

Most supervised methods propose to train an extra human parsing model aside from the ReID model with cross-domain human parts annotation, suffering from expensive annotation cost and domain gap; Unsupervised methods integrate a feature clustering-based human parsing process into the ReID model, but lacking supervision signals brings less satisfactory segmentation results.

Human Parsing Occluded Person Re-Identification

Invisible Backdoor Attack with Dynamic Triggers against Person Re-identification

1 code implementation20 Nov 2022 Wenli Sun, Xinyang Jiang, Shuguang Dou, Dongsheng Li, Duoqian Miao, Cheng Deng, Cairong Zhao

Instead of learning fixed triggers for the target classes from the training set, DT-IBA can dynamically generate new triggers for any unknown identities.

Backdoor Attack Image Steganography +2

Towards Privacy-Preserving Person Re-identification via Person Identify Shift

no code implementations15 Jul 2022 Shuguang Dou, Xinyang Jiang, Qingsong Zhao, Dongsheng Li, Cairong Zhao

In this paper, we aim to develop a technique that can achieve a good trade-off between privacy protection and data usability for person ReID.

De-identification Person Re-Identification +1

Incremental Generative Occlusion Adversarial Suppression Network for Person ReID

1 code implementation IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2021 Cairong Zhao, Xinbi Lv, Shuguang Dou, Shanshan Zhang, Jun Wu, Liang Wang

The adversarial suppression branch, embedded with two occlusion suppression module, minimizes the generated occlusion’s response and strengthens attentive feature representation on human non-occluded body regions.

Data Augmentation Person Re-Identification

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