Search Results for author: Shuhan Shen

Found 16 papers, 6 papers with code

PolyRoom: Room-aware Transformer for Floorplan Reconstruction

1 code implementation15 Jul 2024 Yuzhou Liu, Lingjie Zhu, Xiaodong Ma, Hanqiao Ye, Xiang Gao, Xianwei Zheng, Shuhan Shen

To tackle these challenges, we present PolyRoom, a room-aware Transformer that leverages uniform sampling representation, room-aware query initialization, and room-aware self-attention for floorplan reconstruction.

BEV$^2$PR: BEV-Enhanced Visual Place Recognition with Structural Cues

1 code implementation11 Mar 2024 Fudong Ge, Yiwei Zhang, Shuhan Shen, Yue Wang, Weiming Hu, Jin Gao

2) The lower layers of the pre-trained backbone from BEV generation are shared for visual and structural streams in VPR, facilitating the learning of fine-grained local features in the visual stream.

Visual Place Recognition

Unsigned Orthogonal Distance Fields: An Accurate Neural Implicit Representation for Diverse 3D Shapes

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Yujie Lu, Long Wan, Nayu Ding, Yulong Wang, Shuhan Shen, Shen Cai, Lin Gao

However, common distance field based implicit representations, specifically signed distance field (SDF) for watertight shapes or unsigned distance field (UDF) for arbitrary shapes, routinely suffer from degradation of reconstruction accuracy when converting to explicit surface points and meshes.

Fast and Interpretable 2D Homography Decomposition: Similarity-Kernel-Similarity and Affine-Core-Affine Transformations

1 code implementation28 Feb 2024 Shen Cai, Zhanhao Wu, Lingxi Guo, Jiachun Wang, Siyu Zhang, Junchi Yan, Shuhan Shen

Under the minimal $4$-point configuration, the first and the last similarity transformations in SKS are computed by two anchor points on target and source planes, respectively.

Computational Efficiency

Revisiting Global Translation Estimation with Feature Tracks

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Peilin Tao, Hainan Cui, Mengqi Rong, Shuhan Shen

Then we highlight the superiority of the objective function based on the cross-product distance metric and propose a novel explicit global translation estimation framework that integrates both relative translations and feature tracks as input.


PanoPose: Self-supervised Relative Pose Estimation for Panoramic Images

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Diantao Tu, Hainan Cui, Xianwei Zheng, Shuhan Shen

Instead of solving the problem in the motion averaging phase we focus on estimating scaled relative pose with the help of panoramic cameras and deep neural networks.

Pose Estimation Translation

Incremental Rotation Averaging Revisited and More: A New Rotation Averaging Benchmark

no code implementations29 Sep 2023 Xiang Gao, Hainan Cui, Shuhan Shen

In addition, to further address the limitations of the existing rotation averaging benchmark of relying on the slightly outdated Bundler camera calibration results as ground truths and focusing solely on rotation estimation accuracy, this paper presents a new COLMAP-based rotation averaging benchmark that incorporates a cross check between COLMAP and Bundler, and employ the accuracy of both rotation and downstream location estimation as evaluation metrics, which is desired to provide a more reliable and comprehensive evaluation tool for the rotation averaging research.

Camera Calibration

Graph-Based Parallel Large Scale Structure from Motion

1 code implementation23 Dec 2019 Yu Chen, Shuhan Shen, Yisong Chen, Guoping Wang

After local reconstructions, we construct a minimum spanning tree (MinST) to find accurate similarity transformations.

3D Reconstruction Clustering

Complete Scene Reconstruction by Merging Images and Laser Scans

no code implementations21 Apr 2019 Xiang Gao, Shuhan Shen, Lingjie Zhu, Tianxin Shi, Zhiheng Wang, Zhanyi Hu

Experimental evaluations on two ancient Chinese architecture datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed complete scene reconstruction pipeline.

Visual Localization Using Sparse Semantic 3D Map

no code implementations8 Apr 2019 Tianxin Shi, Shuhan Shen, Xiang Gao, Lingjie Zhu

Accurate and robust visual localization under a wide range of viewing condition variations including season and illumination changes, as well as weather and day-night variations, is the key component for many computer vision and robotics applications.

Visual Localization

Large Scale Urban Scene Modeling from MVS Meshes

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Lingjie Zhu, Shuhan Shen, Xiang Gao, Zhanyi Hu

There are two major steps in our framework: segmentation and building modeling.

CSfM: Community-based Structure from Motion

no code implementations23 Mar 2018 Hainan Cui, Shuhan Shen, Xiang Gao, Zhanyi Hu

The global manner has the advantage of simultaneously estimating all camera poses, but it is usually sensitive to epipolar geometry outliers.

Computational Efficiency

HSfM: Hybrid Structure-from-Motion

no code implementations CVPR 2017 Hainan Cui, Xiang Gao, Shuhan Shen, Zhanyi Hu

In this work, we propose a new hybrid SfM method to tackle the issues of efficiency, accuracy and robustness in a unified framework.

Computational Efficiency

Dynamic Parallel and Distributed Graph Cuts

no code implementations1 Dec 2015 Miao Yu, Shuhan Shen, Zhanyi Hu

Through both the splitting and merging, we further propose a dynamic parallel and distributed graph-cuts algorithm with guaranteed convergence to the globally optimal solutions within a predefined number of iterations.

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