Search Results for author: Shunli Zhang

Found 14 papers, 3 papers with code

QGait: Toward Accurate Quantization for Gait Recognition with Binarized Input

no code implementations22 May 2024 Senmao Tian, Haoyu Gao, Gangyi Hong, Shuyun Wang, JingJie Wang, Xin Yu, Shunli Zhang

Minor variations in silhouette sequences can be diminished in the network's intermediate layers due to the accumulation of quantization errors.

Gait Recognition Quantization

NightRain: Nighttime Video Deraining via Adaptive-Rain-Removal and Adaptive-Correction

no code implementations1 Jan 2024 Beibei Lin, Yeying Jin, Wending Yan, Wei Ye, Yuan Yuan, Shunli Zhang, Robby Tan

However, the intricacies of the real world, particularly with the presence of light effects and low-light regions affected by noise, create significant domain gaps, hampering synthetic-trained models in removing rain streaks properly and leading to over-saturation and color shifts.

Rain Removal Video deraining

IAIFNet: An Illumination-Aware Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network

no code implementations26 Sep 2023 Qiao Yang, Yu Zhang, Zijing Zhao, Jian Zhang, Shunli Zhang

Infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF) is used to generate fusion images with comprehensive features of both images, which is beneficial for downstream vision tasks.

Infrared And Visible Image Fusion

SSPFusion: A Semantic Structure-Preserving Approach for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion

no code implementations26 Sep 2023 Qiao Yang, Yu Zhang, Jian Zhang, Zijing Zhao, Shunli Zhang, Jinqiao Wang, Junzhe Chen

Most existing learning-based infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF) methods exhibit massive redundant information in the fusion images, i. e., yielding edge-blurring effect or unrecognizable for object detectors.

Infrared And Visible Image Fusion

Prompt What You Need: Enhancing Segmentation in Rainy Scenes with Anchor-based Prompting

no code implementations6 May 2023 XIAOYU GUO, Xiang Wei, Qi Su, Huiqin Zhao, Shunli Zhang

Semantic segmentation in rainy scenes is a challenging task due to the complex environment, class distribution imbalance, and limited annotated data.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

A Comprehensive Comparison of Projections in Omnidirectional Super-Resolution

no code implementations13 Apr 2023 Huicheng Pi, Senmao Tian, Ming Lu, Jiaming Liu, Yandong Guo, Shunli Zhang

In these works, omnidirectional frames are projected from the 3D sphere to a 2D plane by Equi-Rectangular Projection (ERP).

ERP Super-Resolution

CABM: Content-Aware Bit Mapping for Single Image Super-Resolution Network with Large Input

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Senmao Tian, Ming Lu, Jiaming Liu, Yandong Guo, Yurong Chen, Shunli Zhang

Therefore, we design a strategy to build an Edge-to-Bit lookup table that maps the edge score of a patch to the bit of each layer during inference.

2k 4k +3

Evidence-based Match-status-Aware Gait Recognition for Out-of-Gallery Gait Identification

no code implementations15 Nov 2022 Heming Du, Chen Liu, Ming Wang, Lincheng Li, Shunli Zhang, Xin Yu

We measure the uncertainty and predict the match status of the recognition results, and thus determine whether the probe is an OOG query. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first attempt to tackle OOG queries in gait recognition.

Gait Identification Gait Recognition +1

GaitGL: Learning Discriminative Global-Local Feature Representations for Gait Recognition

2 code implementations2 Aug 2022 Beibei Lin, Shunli Zhang, Ming Wang, Lincheng Li, Xin Yu

GFR extractor aims to extract contextual information, e. g., the relationship among various body parts, and the mask-based LFR extractor is presented to exploit the detailed posture changes of local regions.

Gait Recognition

Gait Recognition with Mask-based Regularization

no code implementations8 Mar 2022 Chuanfu Shen, Beibei Lin, Shunli Zhang, George Q. Huang, Shiqi Yu, Xin Yu

Also, we design an Inception-like ReverseMask Block, which has three branches composed of a global branch, a feature dropping branch, and a feature scaling branch.

Multiview Gait Recognition

GaitStrip: Gait Recognition via Effective Strip-based Feature Representations and Multi-Level Framework

1 code implementation8 Mar 2022 Ming Wang, Beibei Lin, Xianda Guo, Lincheng Li, Zheng Zhu, Jiande Sun, Shunli Zhang, Xin Yu

ECM consists of the Spatial-Temporal feature extractor (ST), the Frame-Level feature extractor (FL) and SPB, and has two obvious advantages: First, each branch focuses on a specific representation, which can be used to improve the robustness of the network.

Gait Recognition

Gait Recognition via Effective Global-Local Feature Representation and Local Temporal Aggregation

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Beibei Lin, Shunli Zhang, Xin Yu

Towards this goal, we take advantage of both global visual information and local region details and develop a Global and Local Feature Extractor (GLFE).

Gait Recognition

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