Search Results for author: Shuqin Li

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Rapid Diagnosis of Whole Slide Pathological Images

no code implementations5 May 2022 Tingting Zheng, Weixing Chen, Shuqin Li, Hao Quan, Qun Bai, Tianhang Nan, Song Zheng, Xinghua Gao, Yue Zhao, Xiaoyu Cui

Inspired by the pathologist's clinical diagnosis process, we propose a weakly supervised deep reinforcement learning framework, which can greatly reduce the time required for network inference.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Knowledge Distillation +3

Dynamic radiomics: a new methodology to extract quantitative time-related features from tomographic images

no code implementations1 Nov 2020 Fengying Che, Ruichuan Shi, Jian Wu, Haoran Li, Shuqin Li, Weixing Chen, Hao Zhang, Zhi Li, Xiaoyu Cui

The feature extraction methods of radiomics are mainly based on static tomographic images at a certain moment, while the occurrence and development of disease is a dynamic process that cannot be fully reflected by only static characteristics.

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