Search Results for author: Shuyu Yang

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

A Real-World Quadrupedal Locomotion Benchmark for Offline Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 Hongyin Zhang, Shuyu Yang, Donglin Wang

To facilitate the development of ORL, we benchmarked 11 ORL algorithms in the realistic quadrupedal locomotion dataset.

Model Predictive Control reinforcement-learning +2

Towards Unified Text-based Person Retrieval: A Large-scale Multi-Attribute and Language Search Benchmark

1 code implementation5 Jun 2023 Shuyu Yang, Yinan Zhou, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Li Zhu, Zhedong Zheng

To verify the feasibility of learning from the generated data, we develop a new joint Attribute Prompt Learning and Text Matching Learning (APTM) framework, considering the shared knowledge between attribute and text.

 Ranked #1 on Text based Person Retrieval on ICFG-PEDES (using extra training data)

Attribute Image-text matching +7

A Transferable Legged Mobile Manipulation Framework Based on Disturbance Predictive Control

no code implementations2 Mar 2022 Qingfeng Yao, Jilong Wan, Shuyu Yang, Cong Wang, Linghan Meng, Qifeng Zhang, Donglin Wang

Due to their ability to adapt to different terrains, quadruped robots have drawn much attention in the research field of robot learning.

Real-World Dexterous Object Manipulation based Deep Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation22 Nov 2021 Qingfeng Yao, Jilong Wang, Shuyu Yang

In this stage, we solved the task of using a real robot to manipulate the cube to a given trajectory.

Decision Making Position +3

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