Search Results for author: Siamac Fazli

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

MLT-LE: predicting drug-target binding affinity with multi-task residual neural networks

1 code implementation13 Sep 2022 Elizaveta Vinogradova, Karina Pats, Ferdinand Molnár, Siamac Fazli

However, these methods typically use a single-task approach for prediction, thus ignoring the additional information that can be extracted from the data and used to drive the learning process.

Drug Discovery Multi-Task Learning

Subject independent EEG-based BCI decoding

no code implementations NeurIPS 2009 Siamac Fazli, Cristian Grozea, Marton Danoczy, Benjamin Blankertz, Florin Popescu, Klaus-Robert Müller

In the quest to make Brain Computer Interfacing (BCI) more usable, dry electrodes have emerged that get rid of the initial 30 minutes required for placing an electrode cap.


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