Search Results for author: Silvan Mertes

Found 17 papers, 6 papers with code

The AffectToolbox: Affect Analysis for Everyone

no code implementations23 Feb 2024 Silvan Mertes, Dominik Schiller, Michael Dietz, Elisabeth André, Florian Lingenfelser

In the field of affective computing, where research continually advances at a rapid pace, the demand for user-friendly tools has become increasingly apparent.

Emotion Recognition

Towards Automated COVID-19 Presence and Severity Classification

no code implementations15 May 2023 Dominik Müller, Niklas Schröter, Silvan Mertes, Fabio Hellmann, Miriam Elia, Wolfgang Reif, Bernhard Bauer, Elisabeth André, Frank Kramer

COVID-19 presence classification and severity prediction via (3D) thorax computed tomography scans have become important tasks in recent times.

Classification Ensemble Learning +2

GANonymization: A GAN-based Face Anonymization Framework for Preserving Emotional Expressions

1 code implementation3 May 2023 Fabio Hellmann, Silvan Mertes, Mohamed Benouis, Alexander Hustinx, Tzung-Chien Hsieh, Cristina Conati, Peter Krawitz, Elisabeth André

The effectiveness of the approach was assessed by evaluating its performance in removing identifiable facial attributes to increase the anonymity of the given individual face.

Face Anonymization Generative Adversarial Network

GANterfactual-RL: Understanding Reinforcement Learning Agents' Strategies through Visual Counterfactual Explanations

2 code implementations24 Feb 2023 Tobias Huber, Maximilian Demmler, Silvan Mertes, Matthew L. Olson, Elisabeth André

However, research focusing on counterfactual explanations, specifically for RL agents with visual input, is scarce and does not go beyond identifying defective agents.

counterfactual Decision Making +2

Alterfactual Explanations -- The Relevance of Irrelevance for Explaining AI Systems

no code implementations19 Jul 2022 Silvan Mertes, Christina Karle, Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski, Elisabeth André

We evaluate our approach in an extensive user study, revealing that it is able to significantly contribute to the participants' understanding of an AI.

counterfactual Counterfactual Explanation +2

Alternative Data Augmentation for Industrial Monitoring using Adversarial Learning

no code implementations9 May 2022 Silvan Mertes, Andreas Margraf, Steffen Geinitz, Elisabeth André

However, a precise examination of the resulting images indicate that WGAN and image-to-image translation achieve good segmentation results and only deviate to a small degree from traditional data augmentation.

Data Augmentation Image-to-Image Translation +2

Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Virtual Reality Exergames through Experience-driven Procedural Content Generation

no code implementations19 Aug 2021 Tobias Huber, Silvan Mertes, Stanislava Rangelova, Simon Flutura, Elisabeth André

As a proof-of-concept, we implement an initial prototype in which the player must traverse a maze that includes several exercise rooms, whereby the generation of the maze is realized by a neural network.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

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