no code implementations • SIGDIAL (ACL) 2021 • Yingying Zhuang, Yichao Lu, Simi Wang
Automatic summarization aims to extract important information from large amounts of textual data in order to create a shorter version of the original texts while preserving its information.
no code implementations • WS 2020 • Jingxiang Chen, Heba Elfardy, Simi Wang, Andrea Kahn, Jared Kramer
We compare this method to a random baseline that randomly assigns templates to clusters as well as a strong baseline that performs the sentence encoding and the utterance clustering sequentially.
no code implementations • 3 Dec 2014 • James D. Wilson, Simi Wang, Peter J. Mucha, Shankar Bhamidi, Andrew B. Nobel
In addition, we carry out a simulation study to assess the effectiveness of ESSC in networks with various types of community structure, including networks with overlapping communities and those with background vertices.