Search Results for author: Simon Barthelmé

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Node Regression on Latent Position Random Graphs via Local Averaging

no code implementations29 Oct 2024 Martin Gjorgjevski, Nicolas Keriven, Simon Barthelmé, Yohann de Castro

We show that in Latent Position Models this estimator tends to a Nadaraya Watson estimator in the latent space, and that its rate of convergence is in fact the same.

Graph Regression Position +1

A Faster Sampler for Discrete Determinantal Point Processes

1 code implementation31 Oct 2022 Simon Barthelmé, Nicolas Tremblay, Pierre-Olivier Amblard

Finally, an interesting by-product of the analysis is that a realisation from a DPP is typically contained in a subset of size O(m log m) formed using leverage score i. i. d.

Point Processes

Determinantal Point Processes for Coresets

2 code implementations23 Mar 2018 Nicolas Tremblay, Simon Barthelmé, Pierre-Olivier Amblard

We apply our results to both the k-means and the linear regression problems, and give extensive empirical evidence that the small additional computational cost of DPP sampling comes with superior performance over its iid counterpart.

Point Processes regression

Asymptotic Equivalence of Fixed-size and Varying-size Determinantal Point Processes

no code implementations5 Mar 2018 Simon Barthelmé, Pierre-Olivier Amblard, Nicolas Tremblay

In this work we show that as the size of the ground set grows, $k$-DPPs and DPPs become equivalent, meaning that their inclusion probabilities converge.

Point Processes

Graph sampling with determinantal processes

no code implementations5 Mar 2017 Nicolas Tremblay, Pierre-Olivier Amblard, Simon Barthelmé

For large graphs, ie, in cases where the graph's spectrum is not accessible, we investigate, both theoretically and empirically, a sub-optimal but much faster DPP based on loop-erased random walks on the graph.

Graph Sampling Point Processes

The Poisson transform for unnormalised statistical models

no code implementations11 Jun 2014 Simon Barthelmé, Nicolas Chopin

Here we show that inferring the parameters of a unnormalised model on a space $\Omega$ can be mapped onto an equivalent problem of estimating the intensity of a Poisson point process on $\Omega$.

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