Search Results for author: Simon Du

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

Decoding-Time Language Model Alignment with Multiple Objectives

1 code implementation27 Jun 2024 Ruizhe Shi, Yifang Chen, Yushi Hu, Alisa Liu, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Noah A. Smith, Simon Du

Unlike traditional methods that require careful curation of a mixture of datasets to achieve comprehensive improvement, we can quickly experiment with preference weightings using MOD to find the best combination of models.

Language Modelling

JoMA: Demystifying Multilayer Transformers via JOint Dynamics of MLP and Attention

1 code implementation1 Oct 2023 Yuandong Tian, Yiping Wang, Zhenyu Zhang, Beidi Chen, Simon Du

We propose Joint MLP/Attention (JoMA) dynamics, a novel mathematical framework to understand the training procedure of multilayer Transformer architectures.

Near-Optimal Algorithms for Autonomous Exploration and Multi-Goal Stochastic Shortest Path

no code implementations22 May 2022 Haoyuan Cai, Tengyu Ma, Simon Du

In particular, the lower bound implies that our proposed algorithm, Value-Aware Autonomous Exploration, is nearly minimax-optimal when the number of $L$-controllable states grows polynomially with respect to $L$.

AdaLoss: A computationally-efficient and provably convergent adaptive gradient method

no code implementations17 Sep 2021 Xiaoxia Wu, Yuege Xie, Simon Du, Rachel Ward

We propose a computationally-friendly adaptive learning rate schedule, "AdaLoss", which directly uses the information of the loss function to adjust the stepsize in gradient descent methods.


Discovering Diverse Multi-Agent Strategic Behavior via Reward Randomization

2 code implementations ICLR 2021 Zhenggang Tang, Chao Yu, Boyuan Chen, Huazhe Xu, Xiaolong Wang, Fei Fang, Simon Du, Yu Wang, Yi Wu

We propose a simple, general and effective technique, Reward Randomization for discovering diverse strategic policies in complex multi-agent games.

On the Power of Over-parametrization in Neural Networks with Quadratic Activation

no code implementations ICML 2018 Simon Du, Jason Lee

We provide new theoretical insights on why over-parametrization is effective in learning neural networks.

Discrete-Continuous Mixtures in Probabilistic Programming: Generalized Semantics and Inference Algorithms

no code implementations ICML 2018 Yi Wu, Siddharth Srivastava, Nicholas Hay, Simon Du, Stuart Russell

Despite the recent successes of probabilistic programming languages (PPLs) in AI applications, PPLs offer only limited support for random variables whose distributions combine discrete and continuous elements.

Probabilistic Programming

Stochastic Zeroth-order Optimization in High Dimensions

no code implementations29 Oct 2017 Yining Wang, Simon Du, Sivaraman Balakrishnan, Aarti Singh

We consider the problem of optimizing a high-dimensional convex function using stochastic zeroth-order queries.

feature selection Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

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