Search Results for author: Simon Garnier

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Decentralised construction of a global coordinate system in a large swarm of minimalistic robots

1 code implementation28 Feb 2023 Michal Pluhacek, Simon Garnier, Andreagiovanni Reina

Despite being unable to measure the bearing of incoming messages, the robots running our algorithm can calculate their position within a swarm deployed in a regular formation.


Anatomy of a superorganism -- structure and growth dynamics of army ant bivouacs

no code implementations18 Oct 2021 Thomas Bochynek, Florian Schiffers, André Aichert, Oliver Cossairt, Simon Garnier, Michael Rubenstein

Beyond unicellular and multicellular organisms, there is a third type of structural complexity in living animals: that of the mechanical self-assembly of groups of distinct multicellular organisms into dynamical, functional structures.


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