Search Results for author: Siran Yang

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Boosting Large-scale Parallel Training Efficiency with C4: A Communication-Driven Approach

no code implementations7 Jun 2024 Jianbo Dong, Bin Luo, Jun Zhang, Pengcheng Zhang, Fei Feng, Yikai Zhu, Ang Liu, Zian Chen, Yi Shi, Hairong Jiao, Gang Lu, Yu Guan, Ennan Zhai, Wencong Xiao, Hanyu Zhao, Man Yuan, Siran Yang, Xiang Li, Jiamang Wang, Rui Men, Jianwei Zhang, Huang Zhong, Dennis Cai, Yuan Xie, Binzhang Fu

By leveraging this feature, C4 can rapidly identify the faulty components, swiftly isolate the anomaly, and restart the task, thereby avoiding resource wastage caused by delays in anomaly detection.

Anomaly Detection

Joint Optimization of Ranking and Calibration with Contextualized Hybrid Model

no code implementations12 Aug 2022 Xiang-Rong Sheng, Jingyue Gao, Yueyao Cheng, Siran Yang, Shuguang Han, Hongbo Deng, Yuning Jiang, Jian Xu, Bo Zheng

It can be attributed to the calibration ability of the pointwise loss since the prediction can be viewed as the click probability.

Click-Through Rate Prediction

PICASSO: Unleashing the Potential of GPU-centric Training for Wide-and-deep Recommender Systems

1 code implementation11 Apr 2022 Yuanxing Zhang, Langshi Chen, Siran Yang, Man Yuan, Huimin Yi, Jie Zhang, Jiamang Wang, Jianbo Dong, Yunlong Xu, Yue Song, Yong Li, Di Zhang, Wei Lin, Lin Qu, Bo Zheng

However, we observe that GPU devices in training recommender systems are underutilized, and they cannot attain an expected throughput improvement as what it has achieved in CV and NLP areas.

Marketing Recommendation Systems

A bi-diffusion based layer-wise sampling method for deep learning in large graphs

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Yu He, Shiyang Wen, Wenjin Wu, Yan Zhang, Siran Yang, Yuan Wei, Di Zhang, Guojie Song, Wei Lin, Liang Wang, Bo Zheng

The Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) and its variants are powerful models for graph representation learning and have recently achieved great success on many graph-based applications.

Graph Representation Learning

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