Search Results for author: Sirui Song

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Smooth Trajectory Collision Avoidance through Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations12 Oct 2022 Sirui Song, Kirk Saunders, Ye Yue, Jundong Liu

In this work, we proposed several novel agent state and reward function designs to tackle two critical issues in DRL-based navigation solutions: 1) smoothness of the trained flight trajectories; and 2) model generalization to handle unseen environments.

Autonomous Navigation Collision Avoidance +3

Unbiased Implicit Feedback via Bi-level Optimization

no code implementations31 May 2022 Can Chen, Chen Ma, Xi Chen, Sirui Song, Hao liu, Xue Liu

Recent works reveal a huge gap between the implicit feedback and user-item relevance due to the fact that implicit feedback is also closely related to the item exposure.

Recommendation Systems

Calculus of Consent via MARL: Legitimating the Collaborative Governance Supplying Public Goods

no code implementations20 Nov 2021 Yang Hu, Zhui Zhu, Sirui Song, Xue Liu, Yang Yu

Experimental results in an exemplary environment show that our MARL approach is able to demonstrate the effectiveness and necessity of restrictions on individual liberty for collaborative supply of public goods.

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

Reinforced Contact Tracing and Epidemic Intervention

no code implementations4 Feb 2021 Tao Feng, Sirui Song, Tong Xia, Yong Li

In this paper, we develop an Individual-based Reinforcement Learning Epidemic Control Agent (IDRLECA) to search for smart epidemic control strategies that can simultaneously minimize infections and the cost of mobility intervention.

Reinforced Epidemic Control: Saving Both Lives and Economy

1 code implementation4 Aug 2020 Sirui Song, Zefang Zong, Yong Li, Xue Liu, Yang Yu

Saving lives or economy is a dilemma for epidemic control in most cities while smart-tracing technology raises people's privacy concerns.

Graph Neural Network reinforcement-learning +2

UrbanRhythm: Revealing Urban Dynamics Hidden in Mobility Data

no code implementations3 Nov 2019 Sirui Song, Tong Xia, Depeng Jin, Pan Hui, Yong Li

In this paper, to reveal urban dynamics, we propose a novel system UrbanRhythm to reveal the urban dynamics hidden in human mobility data.


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