Search Results for author: Siyi Liu

Found 15 papers, 4 papers with code

Unleashing the Power of Large Language Models in Zero-shot Relation Extraction via Self-Prompting

no code implementations2 Oct 2024 Siyi Liu, Yang Li, Jiang Li, Shan Yang, Yunshi Lan

Specifically, our framework employs a three-stage diversity approach to prompt LLMs, generating multiple synthetic samples that encapsulate specific relations from scratch.

Identify Critical Nodes in Complex Network with Large Language Models

no code implementations1 Mar 2024 Jinzhu Mao, Dongyun Zou, Li Sheng, Siyi Liu, Chen Gao, Yue Wang, Yong Li

Identifying critical nodes in networks is a classical decision-making task, and many methods struggle to strike a balance between adaptability and utility.

Decision Making Diversity

Large Language Model Agent for Hyper-Parameter Optimization

no code implementations2 Feb 2024 Siyi Liu, Chen Gao, Yong Li

Hyperparameter optimization is critical in modern machine learning, requiring expert knowledge, numerous trials, and high computational and human resources.

Hyperparameter Optimization Language Modelling +1

Open-Domain Event Graph Induction for Mitigating Framing Bias

no code implementations22 May 2023 Siyi Liu, Hongming Zhang, Hongwei Wang, Kaiqiang Song, Dan Roth, Dong Yu

However, none of the existing methods have explicitly addressed the issue of framing bias that is inherent in news articles.

Creating Multimedia Summaries Using Tweets and Videos

no code implementations16 Mar 2022 Anietie Andy, Siyi Liu, Daphne Ippolito, Reno Kriz, Chris Callison-Burch, Derry Wijaya

While popular televised events such as presidential debates or TV shows are airing, people provide commentary on them in real-time.

MultiOpEd: A Corpus of Multi-Perspective News Editorials

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Siyi Liu, Sihao Chen, Xander Uyttendaele, Dan Roth

We propose MultiOpEd, an open-domain news editorial corpus that supports various tasks pertaining to the argumentation structure in news editorials, focusing on automatic perspective discovery.

Multi-Task Learning Sentence

Learnable Embedding Sizes for Recommender Systems

1 code implementation ICLR 2021 Siyi Liu, Chen Gao, Yihong Chen, Depeng Jin, Yong Li

Existing works that try to address the problem always cause a significant drop in recommendation performance or suffers from the limitation of unaffordable training time cost.

Recommendation Systems Representation Learning

Cold-start Sequential Recommendation via Meta Learner

no code implementations10 Dec 2020 Yujia Zheng, Siyi Liu, Zekun Li, Shu Wu

As there is generally no side information in the setting of sequential recommendation task, previous cold-start methods could not be applied when only user-item interactions are available.

Meta-Learning Sequential Recommendation

DGTN: Dual-channel Graph Transition Network for Session-based Recommendation

1 code implementation21 Sep 2020 Yujia Zheng, Siyi Liu, Zekun Li, Shu Wu

These item transitions include potential collaborative information and reflect similar behavior patterns, which we assume may help with the recommendation for the target session.

Session-Based Recommendations

Long-tail Session-based Recommendation

no code implementations24 Jul 2020 Siyi Liu, Yujia Zheng

Session-based recommendation focuses on the prediction of user actions based on anonymous sessions and is a necessary method in the lack of user historical data.

Diversity Session-Based Recommendations

Learning to mirror speaking styles incrementally

no code implementations5 Mar 2020 Siyi Liu, Ziang Leng, Derry Wijaya

Our method extracts ngrams that capture a persons speaking styles and uses the ngrams to create patterns for transforming sentences to the persons speaking styles.

Detecting Frames in News Headlines and Its Application to Analyzing News Framing Trends Surrounding U.S. Gun Violence

no code implementations CONLL 2019 Siyi Liu, Lei Guo, Kate Mays, Margrit Betke, Derry Tanti Wijaya

We apply our frame detection approach in a large scale study of 88k news headlines about the coverage of gun violence in the U. S. between 2016 and 2018.

Balancing Multi-level Interactions for Session-based Recommendation

no code implementations29 Oct 2019 Yujia Zheng, Siyi Liu, Zailei Zhou

For mining the new data without breaking the equilibrium of the model between different interactions, we construct an intra-session graph and an inter-session graph for the current session.

Session-Based Recommendations

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