Search Results for author: Siyuan Mei

Found 10 papers, 2 papers with code

On the Influence of Smoothness Constraints in Computed Tomography Motion Compensation

no code implementations29 May 2024 Mareike Thies, Fabian Wagner, Noah Maul, Siyuan Mei, Mingxuan Gu, Laura Pfaff, Nastassia Vysotskaya, Haijun Yu, Andreas Maier

This study analyzes the influence of a spline-based motion model within an existing rigid motion compensation algorithm for cone-beam CT on the recoverable motion frequencies.

Anatomy Computed Tomography (CT) +1

Reference-Free Multi-Modality Volume Registration of X-Ray Microscopy and Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy

no code implementations23 Apr 2024 Siyuan Mei, Fuxin Fan, Mareike Thies, Mingxuan Gu, Fabian Wagner, Oliver Aust, Ina Erceg, Zeynab Mirzaei, Georgiana Neag, Yipeng Sun, Yixing Huang, Andreas Maier

Recently, X-ray microscopy (XRM) and light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) have emerged as two pivotal imaging tools in preclinical research on bone remodeling diseases, offering micrometer-level resolution.

Analysing Diffusion Segmentation for Medical Images

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Mathias Öttl, Siyuan Mei, Frauke Wilm, Jana Steenpass, Matthias Rübner, Arndt Hartmann, Matthias Beckmann, Peter Fasching, Andreas Maier, Ramona Erber, Katharina Breininger

However, there is a notable lack of analysis and discussions on the differences between diffusion segmentation and image generation, and thorough evaluations are missing that distinguish the improvements these architectures provide for segmentation in general from their benefit for diffusion segmentation specifically.

Denoising Image Generation +3

Data-Driven Filter Design in FBP: Transforming CT Reconstruction with Trainable Fourier Series

1 code implementation29 Jan 2024 Yipeng Sun, Linda-Sophie Schneider, Fuxin Fan, Mareike Thies, Mingxuan Gu, Siyuan Mei, Yuzhong Zhou, Siming Bayer, Andreas Maier

In this study, we introduce a Fourier series-based trainable filter for computed tomography (CT) reconstruction within the filtered backprojection (FBP) framework.

Computational Efficiency Computed Tomography (CT) +1

Exploring Epipolar Consistency Conditions for Rigid Motion Compensation in In-vivo X-ray Microscopy

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Mareike Thies, Fabian Wagner, Mingxuan Gu, Siyuan Mei, Yixing Huang, Sabrina Pechmann, Oliver Aust, Daniela Weidner, Georgiana Neag, Stefan Uderhardt, Georg Schett, Silke Christiansen, Andreas Maier

Intravital X-ray microscopy (XRM) in preclinical mouse models is of vital importance for the identification of microscopic structural pathological changes in the bone which are characteristic of osteoporosis.

Motion Compensation

Metal Inpainting in CBCT Projections Using Score-based Generative Model

no code implementations20 Sep 2022 Siyuan Mei, Fuxin Fan, Andreas Maier

During orthopaedic surgery, the inserting of metallic implants or screws are often performed under mobile C-arm systems.

Metal Artifact Reduction

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