Search Results for author: Smita Krishnaswamy

Found 63 papers, 26 papers with code

Convergence of Manifold Filter-Combine Networks

1 code implementation18 Oct 2024 David R. Johnson, Joyce Chew, Siddharth Viswanath, Edward De Brouwer, Deanna Needell, Smita Krishnaswamy, Michael Perlmutter

In order to better understand manifold neural networks (MNNs), we introduce Manifold Filter-Combine Networks (MFCNs).

Geometry-Aware Generative Autoencoders for Warped Riemannian Metric Learning and Generative Modeling on Data Manifolds

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Xingzhi Sun, Danqi Liao, Kincaid MacDonald, Yanlei Zhang, Chen Liu, Guillaume Huguet, Guy Wolf, Ian Adelstein, Tim G. J. Rudner, Smita Krishnaswamy

GAGA constructs a neural network embedding space that respects the intrinsic geometries discovered by manifold learning and learns a novel warped Riemannian metric on the data space.

Metric Learning Network Embedding +1

DiffKillR: Killing and Recreating Diffeomorphisms for Cell Annotation in Dense Microscopy Images

1 code implementation4 Oct 2024 Chen Liu, Danqi Liao, Alejandro Parada-Mayorga, Alejandro Ribeiro, Marcello DiStasio, Smita Krishnaswamy

The proliferation of digital microscopy images, driven by advances in automated whole slide scanning, presents significant opportunities for biomedical research and clinical diagnostics.

Image Registration

Latent Representation Learning for Multimodal Brain Activity Translation

no code implementations27 Sep 2024 Arman Afrasiyabi, Dhananjay Bhaskar, Erica L. Busch, Laurent Caplette, Rahul Singh, Guillaume Lajoie, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne, Smita Krishnaswamy

Neuroscience employs diverse neuroimaging techniques, each offering distinct insights into brain activity, from electrophysiological recordings such as EEG, which have high temporal resolution, to hemodynamic modalities such as fMRI, which have increased spatial precision.

EEG Functional Connectivity +3

ImageFlowNet: Forecasting Multiscale Image-Level Trajectories of Disease Progression with Irregularly-Sampled Longitudinal Medical Images

2 code implementations20 Jun 2024 Chen Liu, Ke Xu, Liangbo L. Shen, Guillaume Huguet, Zilong Wang, Alexander Tong, Danilo Bzdok, Jay Stewart, Jay C. Wang, Lucian V. Del Priore, Smita Krishnaswamy

We validate ImageFlowNet on three longitudinal medical image datasets depicting progression in geographic atrophy, multiple sclerosis, and glioblastoma, demonstrating its ability to effectively forecast disease progression and outperform existing methods.

Decision Making Medical Image Analysis +3

Assessing Neural Network Representations During Training Using Noise-Resilient Diffusion Spectral Entropy

1 code implementation4 Dec 2023 Danqi Liao, Chen Liu, Benjamin W. Christensen, Alexander Tong, Guillaume Huguet, Guy Wolf, Maximilian Nickel, Ian Adelstein, Smita Krishnaswamy

Entropy and mutual information in neural networks provide rich information on the learning process, but they have proven difficult to compute reliably in high dimensions.

Bayesian Formulations for Graph Spectral Denoising

no code implementations27 Nov 2023 Sam Leone, Xingzhi Sun, Michael Perlmutter, Smita Krishnaswamy

In particular, we present algorithms for the cases where the signal is perturbed by Gaussian noise, dropout, and uniformly distributed noise.


BLIS-Net: Classifying and Analyzing Signals on Graphs

no code implementations26 Oct 2023 Charles Xu, Laney Goldman, Valentina Guo, Benjamin Hollander-Bodie, Maedee Trank-Greene, Ian Adelstein, Edward De Brouwer, Rex Ying, Smita Krishnaswamy, Michael Perlmutter

We make several crucial changes to the original geometric scattering architecture which we prove increase the ability of our network to capture information about the input signal and show that BLIS-Net achieves superior performance on both synthetic and real-world data sets based on traffic flow and fMRI data.

Graph Classification Node Classification

A Flow Artist for High-Dimensional Cellular Data

no code implementations31 Jul 2023 Kincaid MacDonald, Dhananjay Bhaskar, Guy Thampakkul, Nhi Nguyen, Joia Zhang, Michael Perlmutter, Ian Adelstein, Smita Krishnaswamy

Existing embedding techniques either do not utilize velocity information or embed the coordinates and velocities independently, i. e., they either impose velocities on top of an existing point embedding or embed points within a prescribed vector field.

Manifold Filter-Combine Networks

2 code implementations8 Jul 2023 David R. Johnson, Joyce A. Chew, Edward De Brouwer, Smita Krishnaswamy, Deanna Needell, Michael Perlmutter

In order to better understand manifold neural networks (MNNs), we introduce Manifold Filter-Combine Networks (MFCNs).

Graph Fourier MMD for Signals on Graphs

no code implementations5 Jun 2023 Samuel Leone, Aarthi Venkat, Guillaume Huguet, Alexander Tong, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

GFMMD is defined via an optimal witness function that is both smooth on the graph and maximizes difference in expectation between the pair of distributions on the graph.

Neural FIM for learning Fisher Information Metrics from point cloud data

1 code implementation1 Jun 2023 Oluwadamilola Fasina, Guillaume Huguet, Alexander Tong, Yanlei Zhang, Guy Wolf, Maximilian Nickel, Ian Adelstein, Smita Krishnaswamy

Although data diffusion embeddings are ubiquitous in unsupervised learning and have proven to be a viable technique for uncovering the underlying intrinsic geometry of data, diffusion embeddings are inherently limited due to their discrete nature.

A Heat Diffusion Perspective on Geodesic Preserving Dimensionality Reduction

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Guillaume Huguet, Alexander Tong, Edward De Brouwer, Yanlei Zhang, Guy Wolf, Ian Adelstein, Smita Krishnaswamy

Finally, we show that parameters of our more general method can be configured to give results similar to PHATE (a state-of-the-art diffusion based manifold learning method) as well as SNE (an attraction/repulsion neighborhood based method that forms the basis of t-SNE).

Denoising Dimensionality Reduction +1

Geometric Scattering on Measure Spaces

no code implementations17 Aug 2022 Joyce Chew, Matthew Hirn, Smita Krishnaswamy, Deanna Needell, Michael Perlmutter, Holly Steach, Siddharth Viswanath, Hau-Tieng Wu

Our proposed framework includes previous work on geometric scattering as special cases but also applies to more general settings such as directed graphs, signed graphs, and manifolds with boundary.

Learnable Filters for Geometric Scattering Modules

no code implementations15 Aug 2022 Alexander Tong, Frederik Wenkel, Dhananjay Bhaskar, Kincaid MacDonald, Jackson Grady, Michael Perlmutter, Smita Krishnaswamy, Guy Wolf

We propose a new graph neural network (GNN) module, based on relaxations of recently proposed geometric scattering transforms, which consist of a cascade of graph wavelet filters.

Descriptive Graph Classification +1

Manifold Interpolating Optimal-Transport Flows for Trajectory Inference

no code implementations29 Jun 2022 Guillaume Huguet, D. S. Magruder, Alexander Tong, Oluwadamilola Fasina, Manik Kuchroo, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

In GAE the latent space distance between points is regularized to match a novel multiscale geodesic distance on the data manifold that we define.

Time-inhomogeneous diffusion geometry and topology

no code implementations28 Mar 2022 Guillaume Huguet, Alexander Tong, Bastian Rieck, Jessie Huang, Manik Kuchroo, Matthew Hirn, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

From a geometric perspective, we obtain convergence bounds based on the smallest transition probability and the radius of the data, whereas from a spectral perspective, our bounds are based on the eigenspectrum of the diffusion kernel.

Clustering Denoising +1

ReLSO: A Transformer-based Model for Latent Space Optimization and Generation of Proteins

1 code implementation24 Jan 2022 Egbert Castro, Abhinav Godavarthi, Julian Rubinfien, Kevin B. Givechian, Dhananjay Bhaskar, Smita Krishnaswamy

Using ReLSO, we explicitly model the sequence-function landscape of large labeled datasets and generate new molecules by optimizing within the latent space using gradient-based methods.

Learning shared neural manifolds from multi-subject FMRI data

no code implementations22 Dec 2021 Jessie Huang, Erica L. Busch, Tom Wallenstein, Michal Gerasimiuk, Andrew Benz, Guillaume Lajoie, Guy Wolf, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne, Smita Krishnaswamy

In order to understand the connection between stimuli of interest and brain activity, and analyze differences and commonalities between subjects, it becomes important to learn a meaningful embedding of the data that denoises, and reveals its intrinsic structure.

Brain Computer Interface Decoder

MURAL: An Unsupervised Random Forest-Based Embedding for Electronic Health Record Data

1 code implementation19 Nov 2021 Michal Gerasimiuk, Dennis Shung, Alexander Tong, Adrian Stanley, Michael Schultz, Jeffrey Ngu, Loren Laine, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

In particular, in EHR data, some variables are {\em missing not at random (MNAR)} but deliberately not collected and thus are a source of information.

Dimensionality Reduction

Molecular Graph Generation via Geometric Scattering

no code implementations12 Oct 2021 Dhananjay Bhaskar, Jackson D. Grady, Michael A. Perlmutter, Smita Krishnaswamy

We guide the latent representation of an autoencoder by capturing graph structure information with the geometric scattering transform and apply penalties that structure the representation also by molecular properties.

Drug Design Graph Generation +1

Embedding Signals on Knowledge Graphs with Unbalanced Diffusion Earth Mover's Distance

no code implementations26 Jul 2021 Alexander Tong, Guillaume Huguet, Dennis Shung, Amine Natik, Manik Kuchroo, Guillaume Lajoie, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

We propose to compare and organize such datasets of graph signals by using an earth mover's distance (EMD) with a geodesic cost over the underlying graph.

Knowledge Graph Embedding Knowledge Graphs

Diffusion Earth Mover's Distance and Distribution Embeddings

1 code implementation25 Feb 2021 Alexander Tong, Guillaume Huguet, Amine Natik, Kincaid MacDonald, Manik Kuchroo, Ronald Coifman, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

Here, Diffusion EMD can derive distances between patients on the manifold of cells at least two orders of magnitude faster than equally accurate methods.

Multimodal Data Visualization and Denoising with Integrated Diffusion

no code implementations12 Feb 2021 Manik Kuchroo, Abhinav Godavarthi, Alexander Tong, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

We propose a method called integrated diffusion for combining multimodal datasets, or data gathered via several different measurements on the same system, to create a joint data diffusion operator.

Clustering Data Visualization +1

Exploring the Geometry and Topology of Neural Network Loss Landscapes

no code implementations31 Jan 2021 Stefan Horoi, Jessie Huang, Bastian Rieck, Guillaume Lajoie, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

This suggests that qualitative and quantitative examination of the loss landscape geometry could yield insights about neural network generalization performance during training.

Dimensionality Reduction

Data-Driven Learning of Geometric Scattering Networks

no code implementations6 Oct 2020 Alexander Tong, Frederik Wenkel, Kincaid MacDonald, Smita Krishnaswamy, Guy Wolf

We propose a new graph neural network (GNN) module, based on relaxations of recently proposed geometric scattering transforms, which consist of a cascade of graph wavelet filters.

Descriptive Graph Classification +1

Image-to-image Mapping with Many Domains by Sparse Attribute Transfer

no code implementations23 Jun 2020 Matthew Amodio, Rim Assouel, Victor Schmidt, Tristan Sylvain, Smita Krishnaswamy, Yoshua Bengio

Unsupervised image-to-image translation consists of learning a pair of mappings between two domains without known pairwise correspondences between points.

Attribute Translation +1

Uncovering the Topology of Time-Varying fMRI Data using Cubical Persistence

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Bastian Rieck, Tristan Yates, Christian Bock, Karsten Borgwardt, Guy Wolf, Nicholas Turk-Browne, Smita Krishnaswamy

We observe significant differences in both brain state trajectories and overall topological activity between adults and children watching the same movie.


Uncovering the Folding Landscape of RNA Secondary Structure with Deep Graph Embeddings

2 code implementations12 Jun 2020 Egbert Castro, Andrew Benz, Alexander Tong, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

We propose a geometric scattering autoencoder (GSAE) network for learning such graph embeddings.

TrajectoryNet: A Dynamic Optimal Transport Network for Modeling Cellular Dynamics

2 code implementations ICML 2020 Alexander Tong, Jessie Huang, Guy Wolf, David van Dijk, Smita Krishnaswamy

To address this issue, we establish a link between continuous normalizing flows and dynamic optimal transport, that allows us to model the expected paths of points over time.

Beyond GANs: Transforming without a Target Distribution

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Matthew Amodio, David van Dijk, Ruth Montgomery, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

While generative neural networks can learn to transform a specific input dataset into a specific target dataset, they require having just such a paired set of input/output datasets.

Generative Adversarial Network

Improving Multi-Manifold GANs with a Learned Noise Prior

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Matthew Amodio, Smita Krishnaswamy

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) learn to map samples from a noise distribution to a chosen data distribution.

Fixing Bias in Reconstruction-based Anomaly Detection with Lipschitz Discriminators

no code implementations26 May 2019 Alexander Tong, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

We show that this procedure successfully detects unseen anomalies with guarantees on those that have a certain Wasserstein distance from the data or corrupted training set.

Anomaly Detection

Graph Spectral Regularization For Neural Network Interpretability

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Alexander Tong, David van Dijk, Jay Stanley, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

First, we show a synthetic example that the graph-structured layer can reveal topological features of the data.

Manifold Alignment via Feature Correspondence

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Jay S. Stanley III, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

We leverage this assumption to estimate relations between intrinsic manifold dimensions, which are given by diffusion map coordinates over each of the datasets.

TraVeLGAN: Image-to-image Translation by Transformation Vector Learning

2 code implementations CVPR 2019 Matthew Amodio, Smita Krishnaswamy

The achievements of these models have been limited to a particular subset of domains where this assumption yields good results, namely homogeneous domains that are characterized by style or texture differences.

Image-to-Image Translation Translation

Compressed Diffusion

no code implementations31 Jan 2019 Scott Gigante, Jay S. Stanley III, Ngan Vu, David van Dijk, Kevin Moon, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

Diffusion maps are a commonly used kernel-based method for manifold learning, which can reveal intrinsic structures in data and embed them in low dimensions.

Finding Archetypal Spaces Using Neural Networks

1 code implementation25 Jan 2019 David van Dijk, Daniel Burkhardt, Matthew Amodio, Alex Tong, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

Here, we propose a reformulation of the problem such that the goal is to learn a non-linear transformation of the data into a latent archetypal space.

Generating and Aligning from Data Geometries with Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations24 Jan 2019 Matthew Amodio, Smita Krishnaswamy

Unsupervised domain mapping has attracted substantial attention in recent years due to the success of models based on the cycle-consistency assumption.

Generative Adversarial Network

Geometry Based Data Generation

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Ofir Lindenbaum, Jay Stanley, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

We propose a new type of generative model for high-dimensional data that learns a manifold geometry of the data, rather than density, and can generate points evenly along this manifold.


Harmonic Alignment

no code implementations30 Sep 2018 Jay S. Stanley III, Scott Gigante, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

We use this to relate the diffusion coordinates of each dataset through our assumption of partial feature correspondence.

Interpretable Neuron Structuring with Graph Spectral Regularization

1 code implementation ICLR 2019 Alexander Tong, David van Dijk, Jay S. Stanley III, Matthew Amodio, Kristina Yim, Rebecca Muhle, James Noonan, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

Taking inspiration from spatial organization and localization of neuron activations in biological networks, we use a graph Laplacian penalty to structure the activations within a layer.

Modeling Dynamics of Biological Systems with Deep Generative Neural Networks

no code implementations27 Sep 2018 Scott Gigante, David van Dijk, Kevin R. Moon, Alexander Strzalkowski, Katie Ferguson, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

DyMoN is well-suited to the idiosyncrasies of biological data, including noise, sparsity, and the lack of longitudinal measurements in many types of systems.

Dimensionality Reduction

Geometry-Based Data Generation

1 code implementation14 Feb 2018 Ofir Lindenbaum, Jay S. Stanley III, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

Then, it generates new points evenly along the manifold by pulling randomly generated points into its intrinsic structure using a diffusion kernel.

MAGAN: Aligning Biological Manifolds

1 code implementation ICML 2018 Matthew Amodio, Smita Krishnaswamy

We present a new GAN called the Manifold-Aligning GAN (MAGAN) that aligns two manifolds such that related points in each measurement space are aligned together.

Modeling Global Dynamics from Local Snapshots with Deep Generative Neural Networks

no code implementations10 Feb 2018 Scott Gigante, David van Dijk, Kevin Moon, Alexander Strzalkowski, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy

In order to model the dynamics of such systems given snapshot data, or local transitions, we present a deep neural network framework we call Dynamics Modeling Network or DyMoN.

Dimensionality Reduction

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