Search Results for author: Soha Hassoun

Found 12 papers, 7 papers with code

On Separate Normalization in Self-supervised Transformers

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Xiaohui Chen, Yinkai Wang, Yuanqi Du, Soha Hassoun, Li-Ping Liu

Self-supervised training methods for transformers have demonstrated remarkable performance across various domains.

Ensemble Spectral Prediction (ESP) Model for Metabolite Annotation

no code implementations25 Mar 2022 Xinmeng Li, Hao Zhu, Li-Ping Liu, Soha Hassoun

We show that annotation performance, for ESP and other models, is a strong function of the number of molecules in the candidate set and their similarity to the target molecule.

CSI: Contrastive Data Stratification for Interaction Prediction and its Application to Compound-Protein Interaction Prediction

no code implementations18 Nov 2021 Apurva Kalia, Dilip Krishnan, Soha Hassoun

Accurately predicting the likelihood of interaction between two objects (compound-protein sequence, user-item, author-paper, etc.)

Contrastive Learning

Few-shot graph link prediction with domain adaptation

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Hao Zhu, Mahashweta Das, Mangesh Bendre, Fei Wang, Hao Yang, Soha Hassoun

In this work, we propose an adversarial training based modification to the current state-of-the-arts link prediction method to solve this problem.

Domain Adaptation Few-Shot Learning +1

Boost-RS: Boosted Embeddings for Recommender Systems and its Application to Enzyme-Substrate Interaction Prediction

1 code implementation28 Sep 2021 Xinmeng Li, Li-Ping Liu, Soha Hassoun

We show that each of our auxiliary tasks boosts learning of the embedding vectors, and that contrastive learning using Boost-RS outperforms attribute concatenation and multi-label learning.

Attribute Auxiliary Learning +4

Stochastic Iterative Graph Matching

1 code implementation4 Jun 2021 Linfeng Liu, Michael C. Hughes, Soha Hassoun, Li-Ping Liu

In this work, we propose a new model, Stochastic Iterative Graph MAtching (SIGMA), to address the graph matching problem.

Graph Matching Stochastic Optimization

Using Graph Neural Networks for Mass Spectrometry Prediction

no code implementations9 Oct 2020 Hao Zhu, LiPing Liu, Soha Hassoun

We compare our results to NEIMS, a neural network model that utilizes molecular fingerprints as inputs.

Learning graph representations of biochemical networks and its application to enzymatic link prediction

1 code implementation9 Feb 2020 Julie Jiang, Li-Ping Liu, Soha Hassoun

We develop in this work a technique, Enzymatic Link Prediction (ELP), for predicting the likelihood of an enzymatic transformation between two molecules.

Graph Embedding Graph Learning +1

Pathway-Activity Likelihood Analysis and Metabolite Annotation for Untargeted Metabolomics using Probabilistic Modeling

1 code implementation12 Dec 2019 Ramtin Hosseini, Neda Hassanpour, Li-Ping Liu, Soha Hassoun

Annotation results are in agreement to those obtained using other tools that utilize additional information in the form of spectral signatures.

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