Search Results for author: Soheil Hashemi

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

EEGsig: an open-source machine learning-based toolbox for EEG signal processing

1 code implementation24 Oct 2020 Fardin Ghorbani, Javad Shabanpour, Sepideh Monjezi, Hossein Soleimani, Soheil Hashemi, Ali Abdolali

In the quest to realize a comprehensive EEG signal processing framework, in this paper, we demonstrate a toolbox and graphic user interface, EEGsig, for the full process of EEG signals.

BIG-bench Machine Learning EEG

DRiLLS: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Logic Synthesis

1 code implementation11 Nov 2019 Abdelrahman Hosny, Soheil Hashemi, Mohamed Shalan, Sherief Reda

Logic synthesis requires extensive tuning of the synthesis optimization flow where the quality of results (QoR) depends on the sequence of optimizations used.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Flexible Deep Neural Network Processing

no code implementations23 Jan 2018 Hokchhay Tann, Soheil Hashemi, Sherief Reda

In addition, DNNs are typically deployed in ensemble to boost accuracy performance, which further exacerbates the system requirements.

Hardware-Software Codesign of Accurate, Multiplier-free Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations11 May 2017 Hokchhay Tann, Soheil Hashemi, Iris Bahar, Sherief Reda

In addition, we propose a hardware accelerator design to achieve low-power, low-latency inference with insignificant degradation in accuracy.

General Classification

Understanding the Impact of Precision Quantization on the Accuracy and Energy of Neural Networks

no code implementations12 Dec 2016 Soheil Hashemi, Nicholas Anthony, Hokchhay Tann, R. Iris Bahar, Sherief Reda

While a large number of dedicated hardware using different precisions has recently been proposed, there exists no comprehensive study of different bit precisions and arithmetic in both inputs and network parameters.


Runtime Configurable Deep Neural Networks for Energy-Accuracy Trade-off

no code implementations19 Jul 2016 Hokchhay Tann, Soheil Hashemi, R. Iris Bahar, Sherief Reda

We present a novel dynamic configuration technique for deep neural networks that permits step-wise energy-accuracy trade-offs during runtime.

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