Search Results for author: Soman Kp

Found 33 papers, 5 papers with code

Mining Bilingual Word Pairs from Comparable Corpus using Apache Spark Framework

no code implementations RANLP (BUCC) 2021 Sanjanasri JP, Vijay Krishna Menon, Soman Kp, Krzysztof Wolk

Bilingual dictionaries are essential resources in many areas of natural language processing tasks, but resource-scarce and less popular language pairs rarely have such.

Machine Translation NMT +1

Amrita_CEN_NLP @ WOSP 3C Citation Context Classification Task

no code implementations WOSP 2020 Premjith B, Soman Kp

Identification of the purpose and influence of citation is significant in assessing the impact of a publication.


BERT-Based Sequence Labelling Approach for Dependency Parsing in Tamil

no code implementations DravidianLangTech (ACL) 2022 C S Ayush Kumar, Advaith Maharana, Srinath Murali, Premjith B, Soman Kp

This paper focuses on a novel approach that uses word-to-word dependency tagging using BERT models to improve the malt parser performance.

Dependency Parsing

Geometry Based Machining Feature Retrieval with Inductive Transfer Learning

no code implementations26 Aug 2021 N S Kamal, Barathi Ganesh HB, Sajith Variyar VV, Sowmya V, Soman Kp

Manufacturing industries have widely adopted the reuse of machine parts as a method to reduce costs and as a sustainable manufacturing practice.

Retrieval Transfer Learning

BUCC2020: Bilingual Dictionary Induction using Cross-lingual Embedding

no code implementations LREC 2020 Sanjanasri JP, Vijay Krishna Menon, Soman KP

This paper presents a deep learning system for the BUCC 2020 shared task: Bilingual dictionary induction from comparable corpora.

Deep Learning Word Embeddings

cEnTam: Creation and Validation of a New English-Tamil Bilingual Corpus

no code implementations LREC 2020 Sanjanasri JP, Premjith B, Vijay Krishna Menon, Soman Kp

Natural Language Processing (NLP), is the field of artificial intelligence that gives the computer the ability to interpret, perceive and extract appropriate information from human languages.

Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Machine Translation +2

Deep Learning Approach for Intelligent Named Entity Recognition of Cyber Security

no code implementations31 Mar 2020 Simran K, Sriram S, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp

In recent years, the amount of Cyber Security data generated in the form of unstructured texts, for example, social media resources, blogs, articles, and so on has exceptionally increased.

named-entity-recognition Named Entity Recognition +1

Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Cyber Threat Indicators in Twitter Stream

no code implementations31 Mar 2020 Simran K, Prathiksha Balakrishna, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp

In recent days, the amount of Cyber Security text data shared via social media resources mainly Twitter has increased.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Deep Learning

Deep Learning based Frameworks for Handling Imbalance in DGA, Email, and URL Data Analysis

no code implementations31 Mar 2020 Simran K, Prathiksha Balakrishna, Vinayakumar Ravi, Soman Kp

This is mainly due to the reason that cost-sensitive approach gives importance to the classes which have a very less number of samples during training and this helps to learn all the classes in a more efficient manner.

Deep Learning

Dynamic Mode Decomposition based feature for Image Classification

1 code implementation8 Oct 2019 Rahul-Vigneswaran K, Sachin-Kumar S, Neethu Mohan, Soman Kp

Irrespective of the fact that Machine learning has produced groundbreaking results, it demands an enormous amount of data in order to perform so.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Classification +2

Data-driven Computing in Elasticity via Chebyshev Approximation

2 code implementations International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) 2019 Rahul-Vigneswaran K, Neethu Mohan, Soman Kp

This paper proposes a data-driven approach for computing elasticity by means of a non-parametric regression approach rather than an optimization approach.

Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science

A Compendium on Network and Host based Intrusion Detection Systems

no code implementations6 Apr 2019 Rahul-Vigneswaran K, Prabaharan Poornachandran, Soman Kp

The techniques of deep learning have become the state of the art methodology for executing complicated tasks from various domains of computer vision, natural language processing, and several other areas.

Deep Learning Intrusion Detection

Emotion Detection using Data Driven Models

no code implementations10 Jan 2019 Naveenkumar K S, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp

In this paper the text data is used for the classification of the emotions.

Decision Making

RNNSecureNet: Recurrent neural networks for Cyber security use-cases

no code implementations5 Jan 2019 Mohammed Harun Babu R, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp

Recurrent neural network (RNN) is an effective neural network in solving very complex supervised and unsupervised tasks.

Fraud Detection General Classification +1

An Insight into the Dynamics and State Space Modelling of a 3-D Quadrotor

no code implementations4 Jan 2019 Rahul Vigneswaran K, Soman Kp

Drones have gained popularity in a wide range of field ranging from aerial photography, aerial mapping, and investigation of electric power lines.

A Deep Learning Approach for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects

no code implementations2 Jan 2019 Vidya Prasad K, Akarsh S, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp

Deep learning mechanisms are prevailing approaches in recent days for the various tasks in natural language processing, speech recognition, image processing and many others.

Deep Learning Dialect Identification +2

A short review on Applications of Deep learning for Cyber security

no code implementations15 Dec 2018 Mohammed Harun Babu R, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp

This has been applied towards various use cases in cyber security such as intrusion detection, malware classification, android malware detection, spam and phishing detection and binary analysis.

Android Malware Detection BIG-bench Machine Learning +4

Deep-Net: Deep Neural Network for Cyber Security Use Cases

1 code implementation9 Dec 2018 Vinayakumar R, Barathi Ganesh HB, Prabaharan Poornachandran, Anand Kumar M, Soman Kp

In this paper, we attempt to apply DNNs on three different cyber security use cases: Android malware classification, incident detection and fraud detection.

Fraud Detection General Classification +1

DeepImageSpam: Deep Learning based Image Spam Detection

1 code implementation3 Oct 2018 Amara Dinesh Kumar, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp

Hackers and spammers are employing innovative and novel techniques to deceive novice and even knowledgeable internet users.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Deep Learning +2

A Brief Survey on Autonomous Vehicle Possible Attacks, Exploits and Vulnerabilities

no code implementations3 Oct 2018 Amara Dinesh Kumar, Koti Naga Renu Chebrolu, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp

Advanced driver assistance systems are advancing at a rapid pace and all major companies started investing in developing the autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicles

Deep Health Care Text Classification

no code implementations23 Oct 2017 Vinayakumar R, Barathi Ganesh HB, Anand Kumar M, Soman Kp

This working note presents the Recurrent neural network (RNN) and Long short-term memory (LSTM) based embedding for automatic health text classification in the social media mining.

Feature Engineering General Classification +2

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