Search Results for author: Song Liu

Found 38 papers, 12 papers with code

Bridging the Gap Between Variational Inference and Wasserstein Gradient Flows

1 code implementation31 Oct 2023 Mingxuan Yi, Song Liu

Variational inference is a technique that approximates a target distribution by optimizing within the parameter space of variational families.

Variational Inference

MoEmo Vision Transformer: Integrating Cross-Attention and Movement Vectors in 3D Pose Estimation for HRI Emotion Detection

1 code implementation15 Oct 2023 David C. Jeong, Tianma Shen, Hongji Liu, Raghav Kapoor, Casey Nguyen, Song Liu, Christopher A. Kitts

In the current effort, we introduce 1) MoEmo (Motion to Emotion), a cross-attention vision transformer (ViT) for human emotion detection within robotics systems based on 3D human pose estimations across various contexts, and 2) a data set that offers full-body videos of human movement and corresponding emotion labels based on human gestures and environmental contexts.

3D Pose Estimation

Approximate Stein Classes for Truncated Density Estimation

1 code implementation1 Jun 2023 Daniel J. Williams, Song Liu

Estimating truncated density models is difficult, as these models have intractable normalising constants and hard to satisfy boundary conditions.

Density Estimation

Minimizing $f$-Divergences by Interpolating Velocity Fields

1 code implementation24 May 2023 Song Liu, Jiahao Yu, Jack Simons, Mingxuan Yi, Mark Beaumont

Wasserstein Gradient Flow can move particles along a path that minimizes the $f$-divergence between the target and particle distributions.

Domain Adaptation Imputation

Label-Free Multi-Domain Machine Translation with Stage-wise Training

no code implementations6 May 2023 Fan Zhang, Mei Tu, Sangha Kim, Song Liu, Jinyao Yan

Our model is composed of three parts: a backbone model, a domain discriminator taking responsibility to discriminate data from different domains, and a set of experts that transfer the decoded features from generic to specific.

Machine Translation Translation

Density Ratio Estimation and Neyman Pearson Classification with Missing Data

no code implementations21 Feb 2023 Josh Givens, Song Liu, Henry W J Reeve

We then adapt an important downstream application of DRE, Neyman-Pearson (NP) classification, to this MNAR setting.

Density Ratio Estimation

MonoFlow: Rethinking Divergence GANs via the Perspective of Wasserstein Gradient Flows

no code implementations2 Feb 2023 Mingxuan Yi, Zhanxing Zhu, Song Liu

The conventional understanding of adversarial training in generative adversarial networks (GANs) is that the discriminator is trained to estimate a divergence, and the generator learns to minimize this divergence.

Sequential Neural Score Estimation: Likelihood-Free Inference with Conditional Score Based Diffusion Models

1 code implementation10 Oct 2022 Louis Sharrock, Jack Simons, Song Liu, Mark Beaumont

We embed the model into a sequential training procedure, which guides simulations using the current approximation of the posterior at the observation of interest, thereby reducing the simulation cost.

Bayesian Inference

Sliced Wasserstein Variational Inference

no code implementations pproximateinference AABI Symposium 2022 Mingxuan Yi, Song Liu

For example, it is not a proper metric, i. e., it is non-symmetric and does not preserve the triangle inequality.

valid Variational Inference

Score Matching for Truncated Density Estimation on a Manifold

1 code implementation29 Jun 2022 Daniel J. Williams, Song Liu

When observations are truncated, we are limited to an incomplete picture of our dataset.

Density Estimation

Continual Density Ratio Estimation in an Online Setting

no code implementations9 Mar 2021 Yu Chen, Song Liu, Tom Diethe, Peter Flach

To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing method that can evaluate generative models in continual learning without storing samples from the original distribution.

Continual Learning Decision Making +1

Spin-orbit driven ferromagnetism at half moiré filling in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

no code implementations12 Feb 2021 Jiang-Xiazi Lin, Ya-Hui Zhang, Erin Morissette, Zhi Wang, Song Liu, Daniel Rhodes, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, James Hone, J. I. A. Li

Strong electron correlation and spin-orbit coupling (SOC) provide two non-trivial threads to condensed matter physics.

Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics Materials Science Strongly Correlated Electrons

Viscoelasticity enables self-organization of bacterial active matter in space and time

no code implementations31 Jul 2020 Song Liu, Suraj Shankar, M. Cristina Marchetti, Yilin Wu

Active matter consists of units that generate mechanical work by consuming energy.

Soft Condensed Matter Biological Physics Fluid Dynamics

Posterior Ratio Estimation of Latent Variables

no code implementations15 Feb 2020 Song Liu, Yulong Zhang, Mingxuan Yi, Mladen Kolar

Density Ratio Estimation has attracted attention from the machine learning community due to its ability to compare the underlying distributions of two datasets.

Density Ratio Estimation

Model Reuse with Reduced Kernel Mean Embedding Specification

no code implementations20 Jan 2020 Xi-Zhu Wu, Wenkai Xu, Song Liu, Zhi-Hua Zhou

Given a publicly available pool of machine learning models constructed for various tasks, when a user plans to build a model for her own machine learning application, is it possible to build upon models in the pool such that the previous efforts on these existing models can be reused rather than starting from scratch?

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Continual Density Ratio Estimation (CDRE): A new method for evaluating generative models in continual learning

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Yu Chen, Song Liu, Tom Diethe, Peter Flach

We propose a new method Continual Density Ratio Estimation (CDRE), which can estimate density ratios between a target distribution of real samples and a distribution of samples generated by a model while the model is changing over time and the data of the target distribution is not available after a certain time point.

Continual Learning Density Ratio Estimation

Personalized Dialogue Generation with Diversified Traits

3 code implementations28 Jan 2019 Yinhe Zheng, Guanyi Chen, Minlie Huang, Song Liu, Xuan Zhu

In this paper, we investigate the problem of incorporating explicit personality traits in dialogue generation to deliver personalized dialogues.

Dialogue Generation

Fisher Efficient Inference of Intractable Models

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Song Liu, Takafumi Kanamori, Wittawat Jitkrittum, Yu Chen

For example, the asymptotic variance of MLE solution attains equality of the asymptotic Cram{\'e}r-Rao lower bound (efficiency bound), which is the minimum possible variance for an unbiased estimator.

Density Ratio Estimation

Interpreting Outliers: Localized Logistic Regression for Density Ratio Estimation

no code implementations21 Feb 2017 Makoto Yamada, Song Liu, Samuel Kaski

We propose an inlier-based outlier detection method capable of both identifying the outliers and explaining why they are outliers, by identifying the outlier-specific features.

Density Ratio Estimation Outlier Detection +2

Large-scale Isolated Gesture Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations7 Jan 2017 Pichao Wang, Wanqing Li, Song Liu, Zhimin Gao, Chang Tang, Philip Ogunbona

This paper proposes three simple, compact yet effective representations of depth sequences, referred to respectively as Dynamic Depth Images (DDI), Dynamic Depth Normal Images (DDNI) and Dynamic Depth Motion Normal Images (DDMNI).

General Classification Gesture Recognition

Learning Sparse Structural Changes in High-dimensional Markov Networks: A Review on Methodologies and Theories

no code implementations6 Jan 2017 Song Liu, Kenji Fukumizu, Taiji Suzuki

Recent years have seen an increasing popularity of learning the sparse \emph{changes} in Markov Networks.

Large-scale Continuous Gesture Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations22 Aug 2016 Pichao Wang, Wanqing Li, Song Liu, Yuyao Zhang, Zhimin Gao, Philip Ogunbona

This paper addresses the problem of continuous gesture recognition from sequences of depth maps using convolutional neutral networks (ConvNets).

General Classification Gesture Recognition

Creating Simplified 3D Models with High Quality Textures

no code implementations22 Feb 2016 Song Liu, Wanqing Li, Philip Ogunbona, Yang-Wai Chow

This paper presents an extension to the KinectFusion algorithm which allows creating simplified 3D models with high quality RGB textures.

Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Planogram Compliance Checking Based on Detection of Recurring Patterns

no code implementations22 Feb 2016 Song Liu, Wanqing Li, Stephen Davis, Christian Ritz, Hongda Tian

Product layout is extracted from an input image by means of unsupervised recurring pattern detection and matched via graph matching with the expected product layout specified by a planogram to measure the level of compliance.

Graph Matching

Structure Learning of Partitioned Markov Networks

no code implementations2 Apr 2015 Song Liu, Taiji Suzuki, Masashi Sugiyama, Kenji Fukumizu

We learn the structure of a Markov Network between two groups of random variables from joint observations.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Density-Difference Estimation

no code implementations NeurIPS 2012 Masashi Sugiyama, Takafumi Kanamori, Taiji Suzuki, Marthinus D. Plessis, Song Liu, Ichiro Takeuchi

A naive approach is a two-step procedure of first estimating two densities separately and then computing their difference.

Change Point Detection

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