Search Results for author: Songfang Huang

Found 63 papers, 28 papers with code

damo_nlp at MEDIQA 2021: Knowledge-based Preprocessing and Coverage-oriented Reranking for Medical Question Summarization

no code implementations NAACL (BioNLP) 2021 Yifan He, Mosha Chen, Songfang Huang

Medical question summarization is an important but difficult task, where the input is often complex and erroneous while annotated data is expensive to acquire.

S^4-Tuning: A Simple Cross-lingual Sub-network Tuning Method

no code implementations ACL 2022 Runxin Xu, Fuli Luo, Baobao Chang, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang

The emergence of multilingual pre-trained language models makes it possible to adapt to target languages with only few labeled examples. However, vanilla fine-tuning tends to achieve degenerated and unstable results, owing to the Language Interference among different languages, and Parameter Overload under the few-sample transfer learning scenarios. To address two problems elegantly, we propose S^4-Tuning, a Simple Cross-lingual Sub-network Tuning method.

Transfer Learning

PALM: Pre-training an Autoencoding\&Autoregressive Language Model for Context-conditioned Generation

no code implementations EMNLP 2020 Bin Bi, Chenliang Li, Chen Wu, Ming Yan, Wei Wang, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, Luo Si

An extensive set of experiments show that PALM achieves new state-of-the-art results on a variety of language generation benchmarks covering generative question answering (Rank 1 on the official MARCO leaderboard), abstractive summarization on CNN/DailyMail as well as Gigaword, question generation on SQuAD, and conversational response generation on Cornell Movie Dialogues.

Abstractive Text Summarization Conversational Response Generation +9

Rethinking Denoised Auto-Encoding in Language Pre-Training

no code implementations EMNLP 2021 Fuli Luo, Pengcheng Yang, Shicheng Li, Xuancheng Ren, Xu sun, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang

Pre-trained self-supervised models such as BERT have achieved striking success in learning sequence representations, especially for natural language processing.

Natural Language Understanding Sentence

Unlocking the Potential of Model Merging for Low-Resource Languages

no code implementations4 Jul 2024 Mingxu Tao, Chen Zhang, Quzhe Huang, Tianyao Ma, Songfang Huang, Dongyan Zhao, Yansong Feng

Adapting large language models (LLMs) to new languages typically involves continual pre-training (CT) followed by supervised fine-tuning (SFT).

Language Modeling Language Modelling

Synergetic Event Understanding: A Collaborative Approach to Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution with Large Language Models

1 code implementation4 Jun 2024 Qingkai Min, Qipeng Guo, Xiangkun Hu, Songfang Huang, Zheng Zhang, Yue Zhang

Experimental results demonstrate that our approach surpasses the performance of both the large and small language models individually, forming a complementary advantage.

coreference-resolution Diversity +1

Harder Tasks Need More Experts: Dynamic Routing in MoE Models

1 code implementation12 Mar 2024 Quzhe Huang, Zhenwei An, Nan Zhuang, Mingxu Tao, Chen Zhang, Yang Jin, Kun Xu, Liwei Chen, Songfang Huang, Yansong Feng

In this paper, we introduce a novel dynamic expert selection framework for Mixture of Experts (MoE) models, aiming to enhance computational efficiency and model performance by adjusting the number of activated experts based on input difficulty.

Computational Efficiency

BUS:Efficient and Effective Vision-language Pre-training with Bottom-Up Patch Summarization

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Chaoya Jiang, Haiyang Xu, Wei Ye, Qinghao Ye, Chenliang Li, Ming Yan, Bin Bi, Shikun Zhang, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang

Specifically, We incorporate a Text-Semantics-Aware Patch Selector (TSPS) into the ViT backbone to perform a coarse-grained visual token extraction and then attach a flexible Transformer-based Patch Abstraction Decoder (PAD) upon the backbone for top-level visual abstraction.

Decoder Text Summarization

DiffDTM: A conditional structure-free framework for bioactive molecules generation targeted for dual proteins

no code implementations24 Jun 2023 Lei Huang, Zheng Yuan, Huihui Yan, Rong Sheng, Linjing Liu, Fuzhou Wang, Weidun Xie, Nanjun Chen, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang, Ka-Chun Wong, Yaoyun Zhang

However, molecule generation targeted for dual protein targets still faces formidable challenges including protein 3D structure data requisition for model training, auto-regressive sampling, and model generalization for unseen targets.

Transforming Visual Scene Graphs to Image Captions

1 code implementation3 May 2023 Xu Yang, Jiawei Peng, Zihua Wang, Haiyang Xu, Qinghao Ye, Chenliang Li, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, Zhangzikang Li, Yu Zhang

In TSG, we apply multi-head attention (MHA) to design the Graph Neural Network (GNN) for embedding scene graphs.

Attribute Decoder +3

VECO 2.0: Cross-lingual Language Model Pre-training with Multi-granularity Contrastive Learning

no code implementations17 Apr 2023 Zhen-Ru Zhang, Chuanqi Tan, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang

Recent studies have demonstrated the potential of cross-lingual transferability by training a unified Transformer encoder for multiple languages.

Contrastive Learning Language Modeling +2

RRHF: Rank Responses to Align Language Models with Human Feedback without tears

1 code implementation11 Apr 2023 Zheng Yuan, Hongyi Yuan, Chuanqi Tan, Wei Wang, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) facilitates the alignment of large language models with human preferences, significantly enhancing the quality of interactions between humans and models.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Revisiting Automatic Question Summarization Evaluation in the Biomedical Domain

no code implementations18 Mar 2023 Hongyi Yuan, Yaoyun Zhang, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang

To better understand whether commonly used evaluation metrics are capable of evaluating automatic summarization in the biomedical domain, we conduct human evaluations of summarization quality from four different aspects of a biomedical question summarization task.

Text Generation

How well do Large Language Models perform in Arithmetic tasks?

1 code implementation16 Mar 2023 Zheng Yuan, Hongyi Yuan, Chuanqi Tan, Wei Wang, Songfang Huang

Large language models have emerged abilities including chain-of-thought to answer math word problems step by step.


RAMM: Retrieval-augmented Biomedical Visual Question Answering with Multi-modal Pre-training

1 code implementation1 Mar 2023 Zheng Yuan, Qiao Jin, Chuanqi Tan, Zhengyun Zhao, Hongyi Yuan, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang

We propose to retrieve similar image-text pairs based on ITC from pretraining datasets and introduce a novel retrieval-attention module to fuse the representation of the image and the question with the retrieved images and texts.

Question Answering Retrieval +1

Molecular Geometry-aware Transformer for accurate 3D Atomic System modeling

no code implementations2 Feb 2023 Zheng Yuan, Yaoyun Zhang, Chuanqi Tan, Wei Wang, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang

To alleviate this limitation, we propose Moleformer, a novel Transformer architecture that takes nodes (atoms) and edges (bonds and nonbonding atom pairs) as inputs and models the interactions among them using rotational and translational invariant geometry-aware spatial encoding.

Graph Neural Network Initial Structure to Relaxed Energy (IS2RE), Direct

mPLUG-2: A Modularized Multi-modal Foundation Model Across Text, Image and Video

4 code implementations1 Feb 2023 Haiyang Xu, Qinghao Ye, Ming Yan, Yaya Shi, Jiabo Ye, Yuanhong Xu, Chenliang Li, Bin Bi, Qi Qian, Wei Wang, Guohai Xu, Ji Zhang, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, Jingren Zhou

In contrast to predominant paradigms of solely relying on sequence-to-sequence generation or encoder-based instance discrimination, mPLUG-2 introduces a multi-module composition network by sharing common universal modules for modality collaboration and disentangling different modality modules to deal with modality entanglement.

Action Classification Image Classification +8

Learning Trajectory-Word Alignments for Video-Language Tasks

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Xu Yang, Zhangzikang Li, Haiyang Xu, Hanwang Zhang, Qinghao Ye, Chenliang Li, Ming Yan, Yu Zhang, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang

To amend this, we propose a novel TW-BERT to learn Trajectory-Word alignment by a newly designed trajectory-to-word (T2W) attention for solving video-language tasks.

Question Answering Retrieval +4

BUS: Efficient and Effective Vision-Language Pre-Training with Bottom-Up Patch Summarization.

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Chaoya Jiang, Haiyang Xu, Wei Ye, Qinghao Ye, Chenliang Li, Ming Yan, Bin Bi, Shikun Zhang, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang

In this paper, we propose a Bottom-Up Patch Summarization approach named BUS which is inspired by the Document Summarization Task in NLP to learn a concise visual summary of lengthy visual token sequences, guided by textual semantics.

Abstractive Text Summarization Decoder +1

HyPe: Better Pre-trained Language Model Fine-tuning with Hidden Representation Perturbation

1 code implementation17 Dec 2022 Hongyi Yuan, Zheng Yuan, Chuanqi Tan, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang

Unlike previous works that only add noise to inputs or parameters, we argue that the hidden representations of Transformers layers convey more diverse and meaningful language information.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

A Survey on Open Information Extraction from Rule-based Model to Large Language Model

no code implementations18 Aug 2022 Pai Liu, Wenyang Gao, Wenjie Dong, Lin Ai, Ziwei Gong, Songfang Huang, Zongsheng Li, Ehsan Hoque, Julia Hirschberg, Yue Zhang

Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) represents a crucial NLP task aimed at deriving structured information from unstructured text, unrestricted by relation type or domain.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

mPLUG: Effective and Efficient Vision-Language Learning by Cross-modal Skip-connections

3 code implementations24 May 2022 Chenliang Li, Haiyang Xu, Junfeng Tian, Wei Wang, Ming Yan, Bin Bi, Jiabo Ye, Hehong Chen, Guohai Xu, Zheng Cao, Ji Zhang, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, Jingren Zhou, Luo Si

Large-scale pretrained foundation models have been an emerging paradigm for building artificial intelligence (AI) systems, which can be quickly adapted to a wide range of downstream tasks.

Computational Efficiency cross-modal alignment +7

Parameter-Efficient Sparsity for Large Language Models Fine-Tuning

2 code implementations23 May 2022 Yuchao Li, Fuli Luo, Chuanqi Tan, Mengdi Wang, Songfang Huang, Shen Li, Junjie Bai

With the dramatically increased number of parameters in language models, sparsity methods have received ever-increasing research focus to compress and accelerate the models.

Towards Unified Prompt Tuning for Few-shot Text Classification

1 code implementation11 May 2022 Jianing Wang, Chengyu Wang, Fuli Luo, Chuanqi Tan, Minghui Qiu, Fei Yang, Qiuhui Shi, Songfang Huang, Ming Gao

Prompt-based fine-tuning has boosted the performance of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) on few-shot text classification by employing task-specific prompts.

Few-Shot Learning Few-Shot Text Classification +5

Image Captioning In the Transformer Age

1 code implementation15 Apr 2022 Yang Xu, Li Li, Haiyang Xu, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, Jianfei Cai

This drawback inspires the researchers to develop a homogeneous architecture that facilitates end-to-end training, for which Transformer is the perfect one that has proven its huge potential in both vision and language domains and thus can be used as the basic component of the visual encoder and language decoder in an IC pipeline.

Decoder Image Captioning +1

Probing Structured Pruning on Multilingual Pre-trained Models: Settings, Algorithms, and Efficiency

no code implementations ACL 2022 Yanyang Li, Fuli Luo, Runxin Xu, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, LiWei Wang

Structured pruning has been extensively studied on monolingual pre-trained language models and is yet to be fully evaluated on their multilingual counterparts.

Making Pre-trained Language Models End-to-end Few-shot Learners with Contrastive Prompt Tuning

1 code implementation1 Apr 2022 Ziyun Xu, Chengyu Wang, Minghui Qiu, Fuli Luo, Runxin Xu, Songfang Huang, Jun Huang

Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have achieved remarkable performance for various language understanding tasks in IR systems, which require the fine-tuning process based on labeled training data.

Contrastive Learning

From Dense to Sparse: Contrastive Pruning for Better Pre-trained Language Model Compression

2 code implementations14 Dec 2021 Runxin Xu, Fuli Luo, Chengyu Wang, Baobao Chang, Jun Huang, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang

Unified in contrastive learning, CAP enables the pruned model to learn from the pre-trained model for task-agnostic knowledge, and fine-tuned model for task-specific knowledge.

Contrastive Learning Language Modeling +3

Addressing Semantic Drift in Generative Question Answering with Auxiliary Extraction

no code implementations ACL 2021 Chenliang Li, Bin Bi, Ming Yan, Wei Wang, Songfang Huang

This work focuses on generative QA which aims to generate an abstractive answer to a given question instead of extracting an answer span from a provided passage.

Decoder Generative Question Answering +1

Lattice-BERT: Leveraging Multi-Granularity Representations in Chinese Pre-trained Language Models

2 code implementations NAACL 2021 Yuxuan Lai, Yijia Liu, Yansong Feng, Songfang Huang, Dongyan Zhao

Further analysis shows that Lattice-BERT can harness the lattice structures, and the improvement comes from the exploration of redundant information and multi-granularity representations.

Natural Language Understanding Sentence

SemVLP: Vision-Language Pre-training by Aligning Semantics at Multiple Levels

no code implementations14 Mar 2021 Chenliang Li, Ming Yan, Haiyang Xu, Fuli Luo, Wei Wang, Bin Bi, Songfang Huang

Vision-language pre-training (VLP) on large-scale image-text pairs has recently witnessed rapid progress for learning cross-modal representations.

Contrastive Prototype Learning with Augmented Embeddings for Few-Shot Learning

no code implementations23 Jan 2021 Yizhao Gao, Nanyi Fei, Guangzhen Liu, Zhiwu Lu, Tao Xiang, Songfang Huang

First, data augmentations are introduced to both the support and query sets with each sample now being represented as an augmented embedding (AE) composed of concatenated embeddings of both the original and augmented versions.

Few-Shot Learning

MELR: Meta-Learning via Modeling Episode-Level Relationships for Few-Shot Learning

no code implementations ICLR 2021 Nanyi Fei, Zhiwu Lu, Tao Xiang, Songfang Huang

Most recent few-shot learning (FSL) approaches are based on episodic training whereby each episode samples few training instances (shots) per class to imitate the test condition.

Few-Shot Learning

Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Constrained Spatiotemporal Jigsaw

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Yuqi Huo, Mingyu Ding, Haoyu Lu, Zhiwu Lu, Tao Xiang, Ji-Rong Wen, Ziyuan Huang, Jianwen Jiang, Shiwei Zhang, Mingqian Tang, Songfang Huang, Ping Luo

With the constrained jigsaw puzzles, instead of solving them directly, which could still be extremely hard, we carefully design four surrogate tasks that are more solvable but meanwhile still ensure that the learned representation is sensitive to spatiotemporal continuity at both the local and global levels.

Representation Learning

IEPT: Instance-Level and Episode-Level Pretext Tasks for Few-Shot Learning

1 code implementation ICLR 2021 Manli Zhang, Jianhong Zhang, Zhiwu Lu, Tao Xiang, Mingyu Ding, Songfang Huang

Importantly, at the episode-level, two SSL-FSL hybrid learning objectives are devised: (1) The consistency across the predictions of an FSL classifier from different extended episodes is maximized as an episode-level pretext task.

Few-Shot Learning Self-Supervised Learning +2

VECO: Variable and Flexible Cross-lingual Pre-training for Language Understanding and Generation

1 code implementation ACL 2021 Fuli Luo, Wei Wang, Jiahao Liu, Yijia Liu, Bin Bi, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, Luo Si

Existing work in multilingual pretraining has demonstrated the potential of cross-lingual transferability by training a unified Transformer encoder for multiple languages.

Language Modelling Question Answering +5

Predicting Clinical Trial Results by Implicit Evidence Integration

1 code implementation EMNLP 2020 Qiao Jin, Chuanqi Tan, Mosha Chen, Xiaozhong Liu, Songfang Huang

In the CTRP framework, a model takes a PICO-formatted clinical trial proposal with its background as input and predicts the result, i. e. how the Intervention group compares with the Comparison group in terms of the measured Outcome in the studied Population.


VECO: Variable Encoder-decoder Pre-training for Cross-lingual Understanding and Generation

no code implementations28 Sep 2020 Fuli Luo, Wei Wang, Jiahao Liu, Yijia Liu, Bin Bi, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, Luo Si

Recent studies about learning multilingual representations have achieved significant performance gains across a wide range of downstream cross-lingual tasks.

Decoder Language Modeling +8

PALM: Pre-training an Autoencoding&Autoregressive Language Model for Context-conditioned Generation

2 code implementations14 Apr 2020 Bin Bi, Chenliang Li, Chen Wu, Ming Yan, Wei Wang, Songfang Huang, Fei Huang, Luo Si

An extensive set of experiments show that PALM achieves new state-of-the-art results on a variety of language generation benchmarks covering generative question answering (Rank 1 on the official MARCO leaderboard), abstractive summarization on CNN/DailyMail as well as Gigaword, question generation on SQuAD, and conversational response generation on Cornell Movie Dialogues.

Abstractive Text Summarization Conversational Response Generation +9

Encoding Implicit Relation Requirements for Relation Extraction: A Joint Inference Approach

no code implementations9 Nov 2018 Li-Wei Chen, Yansong Feng, Songfang Huang, Bingfeng Luo, Dongyan Zhao

Relation extraction is the task of identifying predefined relationship between entities, and plays an essential role in information extraction, knowledge base construction, question answering and so on.

Knowledge Base Construction Question Answering +2

Marrying up Regular Expressions with Neural Networks: A Case Study for Spoken Language Understanding

no code implementations ACL 2018 Bingfeng Luo, Yansong Feng, Zheng Wang, Songfang Huang, Rui Yan, Dongyan Zhao

The success of many natural language processing (NLP) tasks is bound by the number and quality of annotated data, but there is often a shortage of such training data.

Intent Detection slot-filling +2

Hybrid Question Answering over Knowledge Base and Free Text

no code implementations COLING 2016 Kun Xu, Yansong Feng, Songfang Huang, Dongyan Zhao

While these systems are able to provide more precise answers than information retrieval (IR) based QA systems, the natural incompleteness of KB inevitably limits the question scope that the system can answer.

Information Retrieval Question Answering +2

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