Search Results for author: Songnan Lin

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Learning Event-Driven Video Deblurring and Interpolation

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Songnan Lin, Jiawei Zhang, Jinshan Pan, Zhe Jiang, Dongqing Zou, Yongtian Wang, Jing Chen, Jimmy Ren

Event-based sensors, which have a response if the change of pixel intensity exceeds a triggering threshold, can capture high-speed motion with microsecond accuracy.

Deblurring Video Deblurring

Learning a Non-Blind Deblurring Network for Night Blurry Images

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Liang Chen, Jiawei Zhang, Jinshan Pan, Songnan Lin, Faming Fang, Jimmy S. Ren

Deblurring night blurry images is difficult, because the common-used blur model based on the linear convolution operation does not hold in this situation due to the influence of saturated pixels.

Deblurring Image Restoration

Blind Deblurring for Saturated Images

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Liang Chen, Jiawei Zhang, Songnan Lin, Faming Fang, Jimmy S. Ren

To address this problem, we introduce a new blur model to fit both saturated and unsaturated pixels, and all informative pixels can be considered during deblurring process.


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