Search Results for author: Sophie Riedl

Found 10 papers, 3 papers with code

Specialist vision-language models for clinical ophthalmology

1 code implementation11 Jul 2024 Robbie Holland, Thomas R. P. Taylor, Christopher Holmes, Sophie Riedl, Julia Mai, Maria Patsiamanidi, Dimitra Mitsopoulou, Paul Hager, Philip Müller, Hendrik P. N. Scholl, Hrvoje Bogunović, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Daniel Rueckert, Sobha Sivaprasad, Andrew J. Lotery, Martin J. Menten

The resulting model, RetinaVLM, can be instructed to write reports that significantly outperform those written by leading foundation medical VLMs in disease staging (F1 score of 0. 63 vs. 0. 11) and patient referral (0. 67 vs. 0. 39), and approaches the diagnostic performance of junior ophthalmologists (who achieve 0. 77 and 0. 78 on the respective tasks).

Modeling Disease Progression In Retinal OCTs With Longitudinal Self-Supervised Learning

no code implementations21 Oct 2019 Antoine Rivail, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Wolf-Dieter Vogl, Sebastian M. Waldstein, Sophie Riedl, Christoph Grechenig, Zhichao Wu, Hrvoje Bogunović

Longitudinal imaging is capable of capturing the static ana\-to\-mi\-cal structures and the dynamic changes of the morphology resulting from aging or disease progression.

Self-Supervised Learning

An amplified-target loss approach for photoreceptor layer segmentation in pathological OCT scans

no code implementations2 Aug 2019 José Ignacio Orlando, Anna Breger, Hrvoje Bogunović, Sophie Riedl, Bianca S. Gerendas, Martin Ehler, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth

Supervised deep learning models trained with standard loss functions are usually able to characterize only the most common disease appeareance from a training set, resulting in suboptimal performance and poor generalization when dealing with unseen lesions.

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