Search Results for author: Soumya Ghosh

Found 35 papers, 14 papers with code

Final-Model-Only Data Attribution with a Unifying View of Gradient-Based Methods

no code implementations5 Dec 2024 Dennis Wei, Inkit Padhi, Soumya Ghosh, Amit Dhurandhar, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Maria Chang

To serve as a gold standard for TDA in this "final-model-only" setting, we propose further training, with appropriate adjustment and averaging, to measure the sensitivity of the given model to training instances.

When in Doubt, Cascade: Towards Building Efficient and Capable Guardrails

no code implementations8 Jul 2024 Manish Nagireddy, Inkit Padhi, Soumya Ghosh, Prasanna Sattigeri

Motivated by findings from developing a detector for social bias, we adopt the notion of a use-mention distinction - which we identified as the primary source of under-performance in the preliminary versions of our social bias detector.

Synthetic Data Generation

Large Language Model Confidence Estimation via Black-Box Access

no code implementations1 Jun 2024 Tejaswini Pedapati, Amit Dhurandhar, Soumya Ghosh, Soham Dan, Prasanna Sattigeri

Estimating uncertainty or confidence in the responses of a model can be significant in evaluating trust not only in the responses, but also in the model as a whole.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Multi-Level Explanations for Generative Language Models

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Lucas Monteiro Paes, Dennis Wei, Hyo Jin Do, Hendrik Strobelt, Ronny Luss, Amit Dhurandhar, Manish Nagireddy, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Prasanna Sattigeri, Werner Geyer, Soumya Ghosh

To address the challenges of text as output and long text inputs, we propose a general framework called MExGen that can be instantiated with different attribution algorithms.

Question Answering text-classification +1

Thermometer: Towards Universal Calibration for Large Language Models

1 code implementation20 Feb 2024 Maohao Shen, Subhro Das, Kristjan Greenewald, Prasanna Sattigeri, Gregory Wornell, Soumya Ghosh

Addressing these challenges, we propose THERMOMETER, a calibration approach tailored to LLMs.

Are Uncertainty Quantification Capabilities of Evidential Deep Learning a Mirage?

1 code implementation9 Feb 2024 Maohao Shen, J. Jon Ryu, Soumya Ghosh, Yuheng Bu, Prasanna Sattigeri, Subhro Das, Gregory W. Wornell

This paper questions the effectiveness of a modern predictive uncertainty quantification approach, called \emph{evidential deep learning} (EDL), in which a single neural network model is trained to learn a meta distribution over the predictive distribution by minimizing a specific objective function.

Deep Learning Out-of-Distribution Detection +2

Reliable Gradient-free and Likelihood-free Prompt Tuning

1 code implementation30 Apr 2023 Maohao Shen, Soumya Ghosh, Prasanna Sattigeri, Subhro Das, Yuheng Bu, Gregory Wornell

Due to privacy or commercial constraints, large pre-trained language models (PLMs) are often offered as black-box APIs.

Post-hoc Uncertainty Learning using a Dirichlet Meta-Model

1 code implementation14 Dec 2022 Maohao Shen, Yuheng Bu, Prasanna Sattigeri, Soumya Ghosh, Subhro Das, Gregory Wornell

It is known that neural networks have the problem of being over-confident when directly using the output label distribution to generate uncertainty measures.

Image Classification Transfer Learning +1

Are you using test log-likelihood correctly?

no code implementations1 Dec 2022 Sameer K. Deshpande, Soumya Ghosh, Tin D. Nguyen, Tamara Broderick

Test log-likelihood is commonly used to compare different models of the same data or different approximate inference algorithms for fitting the same probabilistic model.

Bayesian Inference

Post-hoc loss-calibration for Bayesian neural networks

no code implementations13 Jun 2021 Meet P. Vadera, Soumya Ghosh, Kenney Ng, Benjamin M. Marlin

Bayesian decision theory provides an elegant framework for acting optimally under uncertainty when tractable posterior distributions are available.

Decision Making Diversity

Measuring the robustness of Gaussian processes to kernel choice

no code implementations11 Jun 2021 William T. Stephenson, Soumya Ghosh, Tin D. Nguyen, Mikhail Yurochkin, Sameer K. Deshpande, Tamara Broderick

We demonstrate in both synthetic and real-world examples that decisions made with a GP can exhibit non-robustness to kernel choice, even when prior draws are qualitatively interchangeable to a user.

Gaussian Processes

EVA: Generating Longitudinal Electronic Health Records Using Conditional Variational Autoencoders

no code implementations18 Dec 2020 Siddharth Biswal, Soumya Ghosh, Jon Duke, Bradley Malin, Walter Stewart, Jimeng Sun

De-identified EHRs do not adequately address the needs of health systems, as de-identified data are susceptible to re-identification and its volume is also limited.

Variational Inference

Model Fusion with Kullback--Leibler Divergence

1 code implementation ICML 2020 Sebastian Claici, Mikhail Yurochkin, Soumya Ghosh, Justin Solomon

Our algorithm relies on a mean field assumption for both the fused model and the individual dataset posteriors and proceeds using a simple assign-and-average approach.

Federated Learning

Approximate Cross-Validation for Structured Models

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Soumya Ghosh, William T. Stephenson, Tin D. Nguyen, Sameer K. Deshpande, Tamara Broderick

But this existing ACV work is restricted to simpler models by the assumptions that (i) data across CV folds are independent and (ii) an exact initial model fit is available.


Isolating Latent Structure with Cross-population Variational Autoencoders

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Joe Davison, Kristen A. Severson, Soumya Ghosh

A significant body of recent work has examined variational autoencoders as a powerful approach for tasks which involve modeling the distribution of complex data such as images and text.

Continual Learning Image Denoising

Bayesian Nonparametric Federated Learning of Neural Networks

1 code implementation28 May 2019 Mikhail Yurochkin, Mayank Agarwal, Soumya Ghosh, Kristjan Greenewald, Trong Nghia Hoang, Yasaman Khazaeni

In federated learning problems, data is scattered across different servers and exchanging or pooling it is often impractical or prohibited.

Federated Learning General Classification +1

Probabilistic Federated Neural Matching

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Mikhail Yurochkin, Mayank Agarwal, Soumya Ghosh, Kristjan Greenewald, Nghia Hoang, Yasaman Khazaeni

In federated learning problems, data is scattered across different servers and exchanging or pooling it is often impractical or prohibited.

Federated Learning General Classification +1

DPVis: Visual Analytics with Hidden Markov Models for Disease Progression Pathways

no code implementations26 Apr 2019 Bum Chul Kwon, Vibha Anand, Kristen A Severson, Soumya Ghosh, Zhaonan Sun, Brigitte I Frohnert, Markus Lundgren, Kenney Ng

Clinical researchers use disease progression models to understand patient status and characterize progression patterns from longitudinal health records.

Projected BNNs: Avoiding weight-space pathologies by learning latent representations of neural network weights

no code implementations16 Nov 2018 Melanie F. Pradier, Weiwei Pan, Jiayu Yao, Soumya Ghosh, Finale Doshi-Velez

As machine learning systems get widely adopted for high-stake decisions, quantifying uncertainty over predictions becomes crucial.

Variational Inference

Unsupervised learning with contrastive latent variable models

1 code implementation14 Nov 2018 Kristen Severson, Soumya Ghosh, Kenney Ng

Here, we present a probabilistic model for dimensionality reduction to discover signal that is enriched in the target dataset relative to the background dataset.

Dimensionality Reduction feature selection +1

Structured Variational Learning of Bayesian Neural Networks with Horseshoe Priors

2 code implementations ICML 2018 Soumya Ghosh, Jiayu Yao, Finale Doshi-Velez

Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) have recently received increasing attention for their ability to provide well-calibrated posterior uncertainties.

Model Selection Open-Ended Question Answering +3

Simultaneous Modeling of Multiple Complications for Risk Profiling in Diabetes Care

no code implementations19 Feb 2018 Bin Liu, Ying Li, Soumya Ghosh, Zhaonan Sun, Kenney Ng, Jianying Hu

The proposed method is favorable for healthcare applications because in additional to improved prediction performance, relationships among the different risks and risk factors are also identified.

Multi-Task Learning

Personalizing Gesture Recognition Using Hierarchical Bayesian Neural Networks

no code implementations CVPR 2017 Ajjen Joshi, Soumya Ghosh, Margrit Betke, Stan Sclaroff, Hanspeter Pfister

Leveraging recent work on learning Bayesian neural networks, we build fast, scalable algorithms for inferring the posterior distribution over all network weights in the hierarchy.

Active Learning Gesture Recognition

Model Selection in Bayesian Neural Networks via Horseshoe Priors

1 code implementation29 May 2017 Soumya Ghosh, Finale Doshi-Velez

Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) have recently received increasing attention for their ability to provide well-calibrated posterior uncertainties.

Model Selection Open-Ended Question Answering

From Deformations to Parts: Motion-based Segmentation of 3D Objects

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2012 Soumya Ghosh, Matthew Loper, Erik B. Sudderth, Michael J. Black

We develop a method for discovering the parts of an articulated object from aligned meshes capturing various three-dimensional (3D) poses.

Clustering Object

Spatial distance dependent Chinese restaurant processes for image segmentation

no code implementations NeurIPS 2011 Soumya Ghosh, Andrei B. Ungureanu, Erik B. Sudderth, David M. Blei

The distance dependent Chinese restaurant process (ddCRP) was recently introduced to accommodate random partitions of non-exchangeable data.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +2

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