Search Results for author: Souradip Poddar

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

INSIGHT: Universal Neural Simulator for Analog Circuits Harnessing Autoregressive Transformers

no code implementations10 Jul 2024 Souradip Poddar, Youngmin Oh, Yao Lai, Hanqing Zhu, Bosun Hwang, David Z. Pan

However, efficient and effective exploration of the vast and complex design space remains constrained by the time-consuming nature of SPICE simulations, making effective design automation a challenging endeavor.

AnalogCoder: Analog Circuit Design via Training-Free Code Generation

1 code implementation23 May 2024 Yao Lai, Sungyoung Lee, Guojin Chen, Souradip Poddar, Mengkang Hu, David Z. Pan, Ping Luo

Analog circuit design is a significant task in modern chip technology, focusing on the selection of component types, connectivity, and parameters to ensure proper circuit functionality.

Code Generation

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