no code implementations • 9 Sep 2024 • Furqan Ahmed Shaik, Sandeep Nagar, Aiswarya Maturi, Harshit Kumar Sankhla, Dibyendu Ghosh, Anshuman Majumdar, Srikanth Vidapanakal, Kunal Chaudhary, Sunny Manchanda, Girish Varma
The ICPR 2024 Competition on Safe Segmentation of Drive Scenes in Unstructured Traffic and Adverse Weather Conditions served as a rigorous platform to evaluate and benchmark state-of-the-art semantic segmentation models under challenging conditions for autonomous driving.
no code implementations • 8 Nov 2022 • Sarthak Sharma, Unnikrishnan R. Nair, Udit Singh Parihar, Midhun Menon S, Srikanth Vidapanakal
To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel representation that captures various traffic participants appearance and occupancy information from an array of monocular cameras covering 360 deg field of view (FOV).
no code implementations • 11 May 2022 • Unnikrishnan R. Nair, Sarthak Sharma, Midhun S. Menon, Srikanth Vidapanakal
To overcome this limitation, we propose Neural Manifold Representation (NMR), a representation for the task of autonomous driving that learns to infer semantics and predict way-points on a manifold over a finite horizon, centered on the ego-vehicle.