Search Results for author: Stefan Ploner

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Unsupervised detection of small hyperreflective features in ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography

no code implementations26 Mar 2023 Marcel Reimann, Jungeun Won, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Antonio Yaghy, Yunchan Hwang, Stefan Ploner, Junhong Lin, Jessica Girgis, Kenneth Lam, Siyu Chen, Nadia K. Waheed, Andreas Maier, James G. Fujimoto

Recent advances in optical coherence tomography such as the development of high speed ultrahigh resolution scanners and corresponding signal processing techniques may reveal new potential biomarkers in retinal diseases.

A Spatiotemporal Model for Precise and Efficient Fully-automatic 3D Motion Correction in OCT

no code implementations15 Sep 2022 Stefan Ploner, Siyu Chen, Jungeun Won, Lennart Husvogt, Katharina Breininger, Julia Schottenhamml, James Fujimoto, Andreas Maier

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a micrometer-scale, volumetric imaging modality that has become a clinical standard in ophthalmology.


Trainable Joint Bilateral Filters for Enhanced Prediction Stability in Low-dose CT

no code implementations15 Jul 2022 Fabian Wagner, Mareike Thies, Felix Denzinger, Mingxuan Gu, Mayank Patwari, Stefan Ploner, Noah Maul, Laura Pfaff, Yixing Huang, Andreas Maier

Low-dose computed tomography (CT) denoising algorithms aim to enable reduced patient dose in routine CT acquisitions while maintaining high image quality.

Computed Tomography (CT) Denoising

Ultra Low-Parameter Denoising: Trainable Bilateral Filter Layers in Computed Tomography

1 code implementation25 Jan 2022 Fabian Wagner, Mareike Thies, Mingxuan Gu, Yixing Huang, Sabrina Pechmann, Mayank Patwari, Stefan Ploner, Oliver Aust, Stefan Uderhardt, Georg Schett, Silke Christiansen, Andreas Maier

Due to the extremely low number of trainable parameters with well-defined effect, prediction reliance and data integrity is guaranteed at any time in the proposed pipelines, in contrast to most other deep learning-based denoising architectures.

Denoising SSIM

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