Search Results for author: Stefania Raimondo

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Improving Generalization in Task-oriented Dialogues with Workflows and Action Plans

no code implementations2 Jun 2023 Stefania Raimondo, Christopher Pal, Xiaotian Liu, David Vazquez, Hector Palacios

We perform extensive experiments on the Action-Based Conversations Dataset (ABCD) with T5-small, base and large models, and show that such models: a) are able to more readily generalize to unseen workflows by following the provided plan, and b) are able to generalize to executing unseen actions if they are provided in the plan.


Workflow Discovery from Dialogues in the Low Data Regime

1 code implementation24 May 2022 Amine El Hattami, Stefania Raimondo, Issam Laradji, David Vazquez, Pau Rodriguez, Chris Pal

We propose and evaluate an approach that conditions models on the set of possible actions, and we show that using this strategy, we can improve WD performance.

Workflow Discovery

Sex, drugs, and violence

no code implementations11 Aug 2016 Stefania Raimondo, Frank Rudzicz

Automatically detecting inappropriate content can be a difficult NLP task, requiring understanding context and innuendo, not just identifying specific keywords.


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