Search Results for author: Stefano Coniglio

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Graph Learning in 4D: a Quaternion-valued Laplacian to Enhance Spectral GCNs

1 code implementation28 Dec 2023 Stefano Fiorini, Stefano Coniglio, Michele Ciavotta, Enza Messina

We introduce QuaterGCN, a spectral Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) with quaternion-valued weights at whose core lies the Quaternionic Laplacian, a quaternion-valued Laplacian matrix by whose proposal we generalize two widely-used Laplacian matrices: the classical Laplacian (defined for undirected graphs) and the complex-valued Sign-Magnetic Laplacian (proposed to handle digraphs with weights of arbitrary sign).

Graph Learning

SigMaNet: One Laplacian to Rule Them All

1 code implementation26 May 2022 Stefano Fiorini, Stefano Coniglio, Michele Ciavotta, Enza Messina

$L^{\sigma}$ is also completely parameter-free, which is not the case of other Laplacian operators such as, e. g., the Magnetic Laplacian.

Deep learning methods for screening patients' S-ICD implantation eligibility

no code implementations10 Mar 2021 Anthony J. Dunn, Mohamed H. ElRefai, Paul R. Roberts, Stefano Coniglio, Benedict M. Wiles, Alain B. Zemkoho

The tool can also enable much more reliable and descriptive screenings to better assess patients' eligibility for S-ICD implantation.


Bayesian Persuasion with Sequential Games

no code implementations2 Aug 2019 Andrea Celli, Stefano Coniglio, Nicola Gatti

After formalizing the notions of ex ante and ex interim persuasiveness (which differ in the time at which the receivers commit to following the sender's signaling scheme), we investigate the continuous optimization problem of computing a signaling scheme which maximizes the sender's expected revenue.


Computing Optimal Coarse Correlated Equilibria in Sequential Games

no code implementations18 Jan 2019 Andrea Celli, Stefano Coniglio, Nicola Gatti

We investigate the computation of equilibria in extensive-form games where ex ante correlation is possible, focusing on correlated equilibria requiring the least amount of communication between the players and the mediator.

Methods for finding leader--follower equilibria with multiple followers

no code implementations7 Jul 2017 Nicola Basilico, Stefano Coniglio, Nicola Gatti

The concept of leader--follower (or Stackelberg) equilibrium plays a central role in a number of real--world applications of game theory.

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