1 code implementation • Findings (ACL) 2022 • Hayate Iso, Xiaolan Wang, Stefanos Angelidis, Yoshihiko Suhara
Opinion summarization focuses on generating summaries that reflect popular subjective information expressed in multiple online reviews.
1 code implementation • EMNLP 2021 • Reinald Kim Amplayo, Stefanos Angelidis, Mirella Lapata
Recent work on opinion summarization produces general summaries based on a set of input reviews and the popularity of opinions expressed in them.
1 code implementation • Findings (EMNLP) 2021 • Hayate Iso, Xiaolan Wang, Yoshihiko Suhara, Stefanos Angelidis, Wang-Chiew Tan
We found that text autoencoders tend to generate overly generic summaries from simply averaged latent vectors due to an unexpected $L_2$-norm shrinkage in the aggregated latent vectors, which we refer to as summary vector degeneration.
Ranked #1 on Unsupervised Opinion Summarization on Amazon
1 code implementation • 14 Dec 2020 • Reinald Kim Amplayo, Stefanos Angelidis, Mirella Lapata
The recent success of deep learning techniques for abstractive summarization is predicated on the availability of large-scale datasets.
2 code implementations • 8 Dec 2020 • Stefanos Angelidis, Reinald Kim Amplayo, Yoshihiko Suhara, Xiaolan Wang, Mirella Lapata
We present the Quantized Transformer (QT), an unsupervised system for extractive opinion summarization.
no code implementations • 29 May 2020 • Nofar Carmeli, Xiaolan Wang, Yoshihiko Suhara, Stefanos Angelidis, Yuliang Li, Jinfeng Li, Wang-Chiew Tan
The Web is a major resource of both factual and subjective information.
1 code implementation • ACL 2020 • Yoshihiko Suhara, Xiaolan Wang, Stefanos Angelidis, Wang-Chiew Tan
The framework uses an Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis model to extract opinion phrases from reviews, and trains a Transformer model to reconstruct the original reviews from these extractions.
Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) +1
no code implementations • WS 2019 • Stefanos Angelidis, Lea Frermann, Diego Marcheggiani, Roi Blanco, Llu{\'\i}s M{\`a}rquez
We present a system for answering questions based on the full text of books (BookQA), which first selects book passages given a question at hand, and then uses a memory network to reason and predict an answer.
no code implementations • 2 Oct 2019 • Stefanos Angelidis, Lea Frermann, Diego Marcheggiani, Roi Blanco, Lluís Màrquez
We present a system for answering questions based on the full text of books (BookQA), which first selects book passages given a question at hand, and then uses a memory network to reason and predict an answer.
2 code implementations • EMNLP 2018 • Stefanos Angelidis, Mirella Lapata
We present a neural framework for opinion summarization from online product reviews which is knowledge-lean and only requires light supervision (e. g., in the form of product domain labels and user-provided ratings).
2 code implementations • TACL 2018 • Stefanos Angelidis, Mirella Lapata
We consider the task of fine-grained sentiment analysis from the perspective of multiple instance learning (MIL).